Saturday, September 30, 2006

My first ever Chicken Risotto with onion on the side. 第一次做的雞肉燉飯!!好開心喔!!

Hahaha ... 哈哈...

我很好...不要擔心啦!! 人嘛....總會有被情緒打倒的時候.

星期四又上財金課了,這次感覺比較好一點!! 不再那麼困惑了..
只是,老師真的很天才! 我問了一個不懂的問題,他卻用更複雜的方式來解說..你說,我弄不懂,他是不是得負點責任!!

算了...我還是靠自己吧!! 希望這個週末的努力能讓下次的課更容易了解.

所以,應該算是大勝利!! 耶耶....

haha.. I am perfectly fine. Don't worry about me.
I wasn't upset about any guys but only feeling bad.
I can promise you "It's surely not about men."
Don't worry and just tell me how to attract more guys.

The finance class was a bit better than last Thursday. I think my overnight study paid off! However, I think my difficulty of learning Finance is partly because of my lecturer. He can always manage to explain something in a MUCH MORE complicated way. Sigh... I wish my study later this weekend can lead to a positive result in the next class.

My communication lecturer has given me good feedback on my assessment despite her constantly picking on my American accent. So I think this is the first Victory I have here in Chichester!!

Happy happy....only one thing, "I miss Moon Festival BBQ Party."

My first picture in college, outside the library. Taken by Sangita, my Indian classmate on 29 Sep, 2006.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Life hunts! Just be careful...

Isn’t it fair how life hunts down everyone? I was hunted down this afternoon while I wasn’t prepared to hear something. It’s not something I can and will share. It’s something that I’d wish to get over with. It’s something that shouldn’t be mentioned and it’s something I wish I hadn’t done.


However, I guess there’s nothing in the world can be easily GET OVER with. Things had been done can’t be undone. This is how life is so fair to everyone. I made a mistake in the past then I have to pay my price over the years and even I can imagine years later when someone unintentionally pops it out in front of me, I’d still feel bad about myself. I am sorry. Really really sorry…


The cut might be healed but the scar is still the scar.

Life is short and don't do the things you'll regret for the rest of your life time. They hunt and it hurts!! Just be careful...

Monday, September 25, 2006

My sleeping buddy.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The well-educated and talented Christopher Marlowe.

So… what did I say about William Shakespeare? I wasn’t a literature major but luckily I’ve managed to read some of his sonnet and plays. It doesn’t take an expert to know that Shakespeare is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest playwrights in England if not in the world.

The heartbreaking story of Romeo and Juliet, the tragedy of Hamlet, the lively A midsummer night’s dream and the one that is recognized as the first play to discuss debt law, The merchant of Venice and not to mention the countless stories and sonnet. Who is Shakespeare? Who is he? Why are his stories so enchanting? Why are the background of his stories were always not in his familiar hometown, England? And why? Why there is no evidence showed that Shakespeare was a literate?

The legendary writer appeared to us as a knowledgeable and well-resourced person. He knew a lot of details about the court life in various countries. However, you may find it amusing that our Shakespeare had never been to a university and there’s even no proof of his education. Back in his time, traveling was far more difficult than nowadays. So how could he know about the life in other places?

As a well-educated person like yourself, you’d argue and say to me, “Genie, there are books for you to read, okay?” Good!! You are such a quick thinker. I’m so proud that you are my friend! But you may want to take the following into consideration.

During that period, books were not translated into English and even if there had been one, it would have cost a fortune. To sum up, they were BLOODY expensive by his time. Therefore, an ordinary person would not have access to BOOKS and don’t even dream of traveling to Italy, Greece, Spain, Denmark and so on. Remember one thing, Shakespeare wasn’t from a rich family. Could he afford schooling? Could he afford books? Could he afford traveling?

Wait! Wait! Wait!!! Are you telling me there is no Shakespeare?

Well.. I didn’t say that. I am simply giving you some information I got from my visit to the Shakespeare Globe Theatre in my own words. You could do some research if you wanted, though I know not many of you would give a **** about Shakespeare, still I have to tell you this. Hahaha… It’s because this is my blog and I am interested in this topic.

I could give you a hint, which is Christopher Marlowe. He on the contrary to Shakespeare was a handsome bloke who did go to Cambridge university and indeed very resourceful of court life for he was a local governor and a businessman as well. He was well educated, rich and he wrote plays. Unfortunately, Marlowe was said to be murdered and buried away in his early 30s. However, this is also widely believed as a plot to save Marlowe from a political storm. Many scholars do believe Christopher Marlowe used William Shakespeare as his pen name and gained himself fortunes in later days by holding shares of various theatres in the west end.
給大家一個提示,Christopher Marlowe.他與莎士比亞不同,Marlowe上劍橋大學.他曾經是地方官吏同時也是個商人.更重要的是,他也寫劇本!不幸的是,Marlowe英年早逝,而對於他的死亡,家人卻不追究就草草地埋了他.因此許多人相信,這只是Marlowe的朋友想出來幫助他逃過政治風暴的手段.而往後的日子,Marlowe以莎士比亞為筆名在倫敦的西區繼續寫劇本並且靠著劇院的股份賺進大把銀子!


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Struggling with FINANCE course!

It was Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. I sat in a class which I had no clue at all. Looking as puzzled as a little rabbit in a wild Amazon jungle.

It was supposed to be an "Introduction course" and of course my first class about Finance. However, the lecturer didn't explain what Finance is before getting into the complex numbers, accounts and calculations on the whiteboard.

So I sat there and tried as hard as I could to stay focused. Karla, my dear classmate who sat beside me was in the state as I was. Then finally 2 hours had passed. Both of us looked very tired and I was stressed out.

During the class, the lecturer was kind enough to have asked me how was it. So I said I'm lost in numbers. He said if there's anything you're not happy about, please let me know because I don't want you to misunderstand anything.

Well... as far as I am concerned, How would I misunderstand anything when I didn't understand a thing. hahaha....

Finance and Numbers are very difficult for me. I'm trying hard and we'll see what can be done about the impossible me in Finance loh!!

這個星期四,我開始第一堂財金課.我只能說...那兩個小時非常的辛苦!! 老師說的東西,我一樣也不懂!


哈哈....我很想告訴老師 "我什麼都不懂怎麼會誤解呢??"

這個週末很辛苦,因為功課變多了而且還要弄懂財務金融課的東西. 天啊!!救救我吧....

我似乎看到有人在微笑"我早就說了嘛...你要念商管? 你最好是那麼不怕死啦"

Winston's first self portrait.
Winston 的第一張自畫像

外甥的第一張自畫像. 好可愛喔...他坐在椅子上嗎? 還是想像出自己有六隻附有輪子的腳呢?
有一天,我也會有一個讀幼稚園的孩子嗎? 哈哈....

My nephew's first self portrait!! What's under his waist or they are simply his imagination feet with wheels so that he can go faster than anyone in the class?
It's a lovely portrait and it makes me wonder if I'll ever have a kid who attends kindegarten one day?! Hahaha....

Monday, September 18, 2006










學校的電腦中心,有規定上網時間,要使用私人的e-mail必須在規定的時間內. 不可以使用MSN!不過,道高一尺,魔高一丈! 據說webmsn學校擋不掉...嘿嘿...下次在學校抓到時間,也會偷用一下!!

今天真幸福!! 好幸運喔....希望以後每天都能這樣幸運!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

ZOOM IN, PLEASE!!Then you'd see from Right to Left. The Queen in light blue coat and Prince Philip in kilt beside her.The one in red has not been identified. Next to the lady in red is Prince Charles then next to him is of course Camilla. Sigh...

Scottish Quards and their Bagpipe.

Now, if you ZOOM IN and ZOOM IN, you'd see at the very mountain top, those tiny dots are actually wild deers.

You are from America, aren’t you?

Today in the class, our communication skill teacher said to us, “from the way you talk and accent, I can tell which country you’re from. Here in the classroom, the only person I’d have big problem with is Genie. Genie, you’re from America, aren’t you?” She said this with of course a quite Posh British accent.

So I replied “No, I am from Taiwan.”

She went on saying “Oh.. then. Why is that? It’s very interesting, isn’t it? Where did you get that accent?”

By this time, I was a bit annoyed. Should I have a Chinese or Taiwanese accent to be qualified as a person from Taiwan?

Then a Mexican classmate said, I’m from Mexico and it’s close to America. Is my accent American?

The teacher then smiled and said, “No, you have a Mexican accent.”

Here in England, you either have a lovely HOMETOWN accent or a British accent. But never an American accent when you’re not actually from the States because you will then spend a lot of your conversation in explaining to people why you have American accent instead of developing a real conversation. Hahaah…. I’d better get used to it before I switch my accent to a POSH BRITISH ACCENT.

You know what? When I said I’ve never been to New York, it actually brought another SURPRISE to my communication skill teacher. She said “How come?”

Hahaha… At the end of our class, she said, if you didn’t tell me you’re from Taiwan, I’d mistake you are American. Hahaha…. YES!! I am a BLODDY YANKEE!!

PS. When I said, “I guess blah blah…” She said, “Oh, see. This is also the American way. Here in England, we’d say I think.”

YES! Madame. I’d remember it!

2 September 2006

The Queen and I.

I am not British but seeing the Queen is something I’d never forget for the rest of my life.

It was 2nd September. I was on a day tour called Highland Games. It’s actually like a filed day in most of the schools when students compete each other in track, high jump, and hundred-meter dash.

But what made it different was the Scottish Dance and Tossing the tree trunk. This is the must see if you have chance and time to visit Scotland. The High Land Games takes place in Braemar. It’s about 3 to 4 hours driving from Edinburgh.

Okay, here is my story. On our way to Braemar, our guide told us that he’d got a text from his police friend in the morning saying that the Queen, Prince Philip, Camilla and Prince Charles would be there in the Games. I took it as a joke as he’s tried to be funny and kept us entertained.

As we got there, I bought my field ticket. I stood in a distance to see what’s going on the main field. I couldn’t see very well as you already knew I am short. But one thing I loved about the Games was I saw all the Scottish marching bands in a very close distance. They were just around me. I even managed to take CLEAR photos. That was nice.

It was about 2:30 in the afternoon. The best part of the game started. I saw Strong and Fit Scottish men in their kilts tossing the TREE TRUNK. It was so exciting!! When they lifted the trunk up, ran a bit then finally TOSSED the trunk really hard, I’d scream like “Oh…..Ya!!!” if he made it. What if not, I’d go like “Oh…. No…”. Haha… That wasn’t easy. You need a bit of practice to do it in the right manner.

So what do you called a Success and what isn’t one? When you toss it, if it falls backwards, you failed. If it falls forwards, you succeed and prove that you’re a strong one.

Finally, around 3, I saw the guards and the police started marching toward and main field, including all the marching bands. That’s when I assumed something would happen. So I did try to squeeze into the crowd and get as close as possible to the main field.

All of a sudden, cars passing through, people were clapping and waving hard. It’s THE QUEEN!!! I saw her, I saw her. I DID SEE HER. She waved in the same graceful way as you saw her on telly. I was literally a stone throw a way from her in about 2 seconds. It was so astonishing that you’d be frozen so you couldn’t even lift a finger for your camera. But I did remember that she is very elegant, just like a Queen. Oops… she is a Queen.

When they sang God bless the Queen without any music, it was very emotional. If you were there, I am sure you’d feel the same as I did.

Around 4, I assumed she’d left from the main route. So I waited there to have one more glance of her. There she went, wore a friendly smile on her face, waved again to people who were waiting on the sides.

To me, it was really a wonderful surprise. I never imagine that I’d see her in such a short distance. Moreover, Prince Philip, Charles and Camilla were there. Oh, one more, a mysterious good-looking young man whom I think must be a cousin of Price William and Harley.

I returned to the Hostel and bumped into a British girl. The girl was traveling and doing 2 jobs at the time when I met her. She had just been thrown out of her flat so she came to live in the Hostel. Haha..

We chatted while we were in the shower room. I told her I saw the Queen today. Then she went with high pitch British accent, “No! You didn’t. Did you? Our Queen!! What a lucky sweetie, you.” As I went on saying, “Ya I did. You know what? Prince Philip, Camilla and Charles were there and a handsome young folk was in the royal carriage as well.”

Now this is really the knockout. She said “Oh.. no! You see the whole lot of them. I have to kill you for your photos. You did take photos, right?!” Haha..we went on till we dried ourselves and covered in proper clothes. One thing I love about Hostel is you always get a bunch of interesting people to chat with.

PS. I know I shouldn’t make a fuss about the Royal Family. But as a professional tourist, I just have to!!! Haha…

1 September 2006

High Street Hostel & Edinburgh Castle.

I was in Scotland. By saying Scotland, what I really meant is Edinburgh. Why? Well… when you’ve stayed in UK for a while, you’d know that some people in Scotland do not think Edinburgh Scottish enough to be called Scotland. Haha.. Scotland is a big big land. You’d travel to Highlands to see what Scots called A REAL SCOTLAND.

Anyway, I was in a hostel close enough to be named as High Street Hostel. It’s in the heart of the old town where you have the famous Edinburgh Castle, Royal Mile and Prince Street and so on.

It’s a Hostel with friendly staff, convenient location, clean showers and very LOUD lounge. It’s all so very lively that you’d feel like to SHOUT all the time. Haha…So what’s the famous quote from that Hostel? As you’d have imagined, it’s “Give me a SHOUT.”

This was the third time I visited Edinburgh Castle. I forgot what was in the Castle anyway but the best thing I remembered was Scottish Soldiers in their kilts. But this time, I came to an empty Castle where the guards were all vanished. Very weird indeed with no Scottish guards wearing kilts around. Somehow it’s just not PROFESSIONAL to charge tourists but not give them value for money from my point of view. I feel like making a complaint to get all my admission back.

Oh, and one more thing. The stone of destiny inside the Castle is a fake one. That’s not the real one and everybody knows it. It’s just so cheesy of them to have claimed that it was real and kept it with all Scottish Crowns and Jewels together in a room where is guarded with thick steel doors inside the Castle like a vault.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Self snapshot on Heathrow Express. This is the day I felt a bit down. Maybe you can't feel it but that's how I felt deep in my heart.

This is TOWER BRIDGE. It's not LODON Bridge. Haha.. just feel you might want to know about it!!

Me in Shakespear's Globe Theatre. You may be surprised that the funder of this theatre is actually an American actor. More stories and findings from the visit will be uploaded next week.

Me on the train but not feeling lonely for the first time!

Lunch on the bench! Don't you just love it?

What a ride on 4 September 2006.
---- Dedicated to an Old British Gal, Amanda.

I am on my train to Bath where I used to study for my MA. It was not bad at the first, the train’s neat and I’ve got my snack with me to ensure a pleasant ride. Then an old gal came up to the train drunk with her bottle of beer and that made my story unbelievable.

First, she helped an old gentleman to find his luggage while she didn’t even have a clue that the man was actually looking for his seat. She started helping him by pointing at some bags and said “Is this your bag, sir? Is this your bag? I can help ya!” A lady sat in the front then yelled,” that’s mine.” Then another old lady said, “I think he’s looking for his seat.” So… this old gal stood up still with her beer in hand pointed at a ticket officer for the old gentleman saying “You go see him straight, he’ll help ya.” Off the man went.

Do you think the story ends here? If it had been a simple story, I wouldn’t have bothered to switch on my laptop for it.

Then as people sat around her thought this might quiet her down. But… No…This old gal still stood there and started saying loudly, “I look after elders. I was brought up this way. Always look after people! Oh.. bye honey. You be good for mummy, okay? You be good! I am English and I’m proud of it!”

She didn’t forget to say bye to the little girls getting off the train. How sweet!! Hahah.. Well… I don’t mind seeing drunken gal on the train as long as she doesn’t come bother me or get sick on the train. It was quite interesting actually so I exchanged an “Oh my...” smile with the lady who happened to sit a roll behind the drunken gal.

Oops… is she smiling at me? Oh.. NO… Don’t ….please..please… Sigh, she came pat on my lap while I sat with my niece, Kerstin.

Drunken gal: You sisters? Cousins?

Without thinking and trying not to look scared, I said, “Cousins.” (oh.. No… I can smell her beer.)

Drunken gal: You see, you younger generations are wiser. Wiser!! (with drunken British accent, if you ever have a clue what that meant, you’ll find it rather interesting!)

As if I didn’t understand WISER, she patted her own HEAD saying again WISER.

“You will make BIG money. I am a fortuneteller. You know I mean it from my heart. You’ll make Big Money. You don’t even know me but you will make big money. It’s true.” The drunken gal said.

I see. Thank you. Thanks. And I tried to look away for the view outside. She patted me again to get my attention.

Drunken gal: You know Steven Gerrard?

The football player? (Shoot.. shouldn’t have replied.)

Drunken gal: Yes. He’s my cousin.

Gosh.. who’s gonna save me?? Anybody here? My…..I can’t talk to this drunken gal anymore as I held my breath at the same time! While the train was nearly full but she picked me. Sigh… Go for your next victim, will you?

Drunken gal: You see. You don’t meet people like me often on the train, you know. I have proof. I am his cousin.

Then she pulled out a piece of paper with her name on it. It said Amanda something Gerrard.

See.. Wowo.. Oh… for about some minutes. Then it was the old scene again with all the fortuneteller blah blah ….

Oh.. good. She finally sat back to her seat, which was virtually one step away from mine. Satisfied? Old gal?

Oh…Oh.. NO WAY!!

She jumped up to the young man sat in front of me then started bothering him. She hunted the young man like a hungry TIGER!!

The young man couldn’t believe his fate and said, “I’m trying to get some rest, can’t believe you old gal…” The young man was laughing but only seemed to be bitter ones.

Drunken gal: Oh. Yes. I love you. I love ya…. Let’s make some baby. I love ya…You know I could….(she’s seducing him and I’d skip the bunch of it.)

Hahaa…………….. She leant on and kissed him. Can you believe it?? This kind of story doesn’t really happen in normal daily life, right? Hahah… What a ride!

What an amazing British Old Gal, Amanda, though drunken.

And you know what? I do believe that she the cousin of the Big Name, Steven Gerrard.

When Aussie meets Yankee!

So the story does go like you expected. I am of course the Yankee bit in this story and who’s the Aussie?

On my flight to London I was in my seat hoping that the one sat next to me would be a Friendly, Clean, Smells-good person. Hahaha… not that I was expecting something to happen but it’s just this general sort of thing you’d imagine before you meet the person.

Here comes my story on board for you. They came sat down while I sat in my 31A, a window seat. First thing I noticed was they are in their late 60s. Second thing was the lady spoke a language that I couldn’t even recognize. Third thing was the man spoke English with a familiar accent.

When the first meal came, the man took out a little blue box. Then he took out something, excuse me?? A needle for injection, is it?? Oh.. my.. is he a junky? Can’t be so lucky sitting next to junkies, can I? Well… With seats so close in the POOR people class, you wouldn’t have missed what people sat next to you was doing. He gave himself a shot in the belly.

Never seen anyone doing this before, it was kind of weird. As he might have sensed my feeling, he explained that he’s not on drug or something. He said I’m diabetes so I need an injection. Don’t worry about me, okay? I will be fine. Haha….

As soon as I replied and asked a few polite questions, he said, where do you live in the States? My cousin lives in LA. We used to go and visit him. Are you on a holiday to London?

Sigh… am I too American or what? Do I really sound VERY AMERICAN? Then I have to explain I am from Taiwan blah blah blah. He said sorry and then asked the one question that every single English Speaking Person I met would ask, “Where do you learn your English? You have American accent!”

Well… why do I sound like American?? I don’t know. Maybe that’s because my first teacher was American and I was a dam good student to have learnt every single word he taught me in that 12 months. Now I am suffering for my good work done when I was 12. I don’t really like to explain my accent to people. So tired of it.

So I decided to change my accent to a Sexy Latin American one or a Snobbish British one. Which one do you prefer, my friends?

Oh.. let’s get back to the Aussie bit. When I asked," are you going home or holiday?" The man answered, oh… my wife is Polish and we are going to Poland. She’s never been in Poland. Her family came to Australia during the war. Now that her parents died so we decided to go to Warsaw to meet up with one of our sons. And the other son lives in Italy. We will all meet up and then travel around Europe for 2 weeks. It takes a fortune to travel. You know, 6 years of saving. Then he went on describing his journey and how he admires the products he used to sale because they were from Taiwan and how good the quality were.

Wowo… quite a trip and quite an International family!! I think many foreign people are like this. The family doesn’t stay as close as possible. They split when one gets enough ability and money to move out. Very different from ours, isn’t it?

Suddenly I had a crazy idea thinking that I might end up marrying a foreign guy who’s holding a British passport but he’s origin is on a tiny place in mysterious island on Atlantic Ocean. Then our kids are gonna live in South Pole, Amazon river and Egypt those same mysterious kind of place.

Hahaha………. Am I nuts? Maybe that’s because I’ve been sitting too long in the POOR people class. See ya in North Pole. Shall we??