Sunday, September 24, 2006

The well-educated and talented Christopher Marlowe.

So… what did I say about William Shakespeare? I wasn’t a literature major but luckily I’ve managed to read some of his sonnet and plays. It doesn’t take an expert to know that Shakespeare is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest playwrights in England if not in the world.

The heartbreaking story of Romeo and Juliet, the tragedy of Hamlet, the lively A midsummer night’s dream and the one that is recognized as the first play to discuss debt law, The merchant of Venice and not to mention the countless stories and sonnet. Who is Shakespeare? Who is he? Why are his stories so enchanting? Why are the background of his stories were always not in his familiar hometown, England? And why? Why there is no evidence showed that Shakespeare was a literate?

The legendary writer appeared to us as a knowledgeable and well-resourced person. He knew a lot of details about the court life in various countries. However, you may find it amusing that our Shakespeare had never been to a university and there’s even no proof of his education. Back in his time, traveling was far more difficult than nowadays. So how could he know about the life in other places?

As a well-educated person like yourself, you’d argue and say to me, “Genie, there are books for you to read, okay?” Good!! You are such a quick thinker. I’m so proud that you are my friend! But you may want to take the following into consideration.

During that period, books were not translated into English and even if there had been one, it would have cost a fortune. To sum up, they were BLOODY expensive by his time. Therefore, an ordinary person would not have access to BOOKS and don’t even dream of traveling to Italy, Greece, Spain, Denmark and so on. Remember one thing, Shakespeare wasn’t from a rich family. Could he afford schooling? Could he afford books? Could he afford traveling?

Wait! Wait! Wait!!! Are you telling me there is no Shakespeare?

Well.. I didn’t say that. I am simply giving you some information I got from my visit to the Shakespeare Globe Theatre in my own words. You could do some research if you wanted, though I know not many of you would give a **** about Shakespeare, still I have to tell you this. Hahaha… It’s because this is my blog and I am interested in this topic.

I could give you a hint, which is Christopher Marlowe. He on the contrary to Shakespeare was a handsome bloke who did go to Cambridge university and indeed very resourceful of court life for he was a local governor and a businessman as well. He was well educated, rich and he wrote plays. Unfortunately, Marlowe was said to be murdered and buried away in his early 30s. However, this is also widely believed as a plot to save Marlowe from a political storm. Many scholars do believe Christopher Marlowe used William Shakespeare as his pen name and gained himself fortunes in later days by holding shares of various theatres in the west end.
給大家一個提示,Christopher Marlowe.他與莎士比亞不同,Marlowe上劍橋大學.他曾經是地方官吏同時也是個商人.更重要的是,他也寫劇本!不幸的是,Marlowe英年早逝,而對於他的死亡,家人卻不追究就草草地埋了他.因此許多人相信,這只是Marlowe的朋友想出來幫助他逃過政治風暴的手段.而往後的日子,Marlowe以莎士比亞為筆名在倫敦的西區繼續寫劇本並且靠著劇院的股份賺進大把銀子!



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