Saturday, September 16, 2006

2 September 2006

The Queen and I.

I am not British but seeing the Queen is something I’d never forget for the rest of my life.

It was 2nd September. I was on a day tour called Highland Games. It’s actually like a filed day in most of the schools when students compete each other in track, high jump, and hundred-meter dash.

But what made it different was the Scottish Dance and Tossing the tree trunk. This is the must see if you have chance and time to visit Scotland. The High Land Games takes place in Braemar. It’s about 3 to 4 hours driving from Edinburgh.

Okay, here is my story. On our way to Braemar, our guide told us that he’d got a text from his police friend in the morning saying that the Queen, Prince Philip, Camilla and Prince Charles would be there in the Games. I took it as a joke as he’s tried to be funny and kept us entertained.

As we got there, I bought my field ticket. I stood in a distance to see what’s going on the main field. I couldn’t see very well as you already knew I am short. But one thing I loved about the Games was I saw all the Scottish marching bands in a very close distance. They were just around me. I even managed to take CLEAR photos. That was nice.

It was about 2:30 in the afternoon. The best part of the game started. I saw Strong and Fit Scottish men in their kilts tossing the TREE TRUNK. It was so exciting!! When they lifted the trunk up, ran a bit then finally TOSSED the trunk really hard, I’d scream like “Oh…..Ya!!!” if he made it. What if not, I’d go like “Oh…. No…”. Haha… That wasn’t easy. You need a bit of practice to do it in the right manner.

So what do you called a Success and what isn’t one? When you toss it, if it falls backwards, you failed. If it falls forwards, you succeed and prove that you’re a strong one.

Finally, around 3, I saw the guards and the police started marching toward and main field, including all the marching bands. That’s when I assumed something would happen. So I did try to squeeze into the crowd and get as close as possible to the main field.

All of a sudden, cars passing through, people were clapping and waving hard. It’s THE QUEEN!!! I saw her, I saw her. I DID SEE HER. She waved in the same graceful way as you saw her on telly. I was literally a stone throw a way from her in about 2 seconds. It was so astonishing that you’d be frozen so you couldn’t even lift a finger for your camera. But I did remember that she is very elegant, just like a Queen. Oops… she is a Queen.

When they sang God bless the Queen without any music, it was very emotional. If you were there, I am sure you’d feel the same as I did.

Around 4, I assumed she’d left from the main route. So I waited there to have one more glance of her. There she went, wore a friendly smile on her face, waved again to people who were waiting on the sides.

To me, it was really a wonderful surprise. I never imagine that I’d see her in such a short distance. Moreover, Prince Philip, Charles and Camilla were there. Oh, one more, a mysterious good-looking young man whom I think must be a cousin of Price William and Harley.

I returned to the Hostel and bumped into a British girl. The girl was traveling and doing 2 jobs at the time when I met her. She had just been thrown out of her flat so she came to live in the Hostel. Haha..

We chatted while we were in the shower room. I told her I saw the Queen today. Then she went with high pitch British accent, “No! You didn’t. Did you? Our Queen!! What a lucky sweetie, you.” As I went on saying, “Ya I did. You know what? Prince Philip, Camilla and Charles were there and a handsome young folk was in the royal carriage as well.”

Now this is really the knockout. She said “Oh.. no! You see the whole lot of them. I have to kill you for your photos. You did take photos, right?!” Haha..we went on till we dried ourselves and covered in proper clothes. One thing I love about Hostel is you always get a bunch of interesting people to chat with.

PS. I know I shouldn’t make a fuss about the Royal Family. But as a professional tourist, I just have to!!! Haha…


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