Saturday, July 17, 2010


"Okay... it is a lovely day, slightly windy but we can manage it."

9 o'clock in the morning, and everyone's at the meeting point so off we went on the tube. We said to everyone to get off at Westminster. 5 minutes after the train departed, we got a call from two students saying they didn't get on the tube train because they couldn't find their tickets. That's a big big mystery if you asked me. They took bus to the meeting point and they needed the tickets. How come they lost their tickets i such a short time. Sigh... so we told them to get a new return ticket to Westminster and we'd wait for them.

By the time we got to the Westminster. We did headcount and to our surprise we were 8 short. How come!!!!! I mean is following a simple instruction very difficult? It was a direct train, we didn't change at any tube station. Just remember to get off at the said station and that's it!! As simple as that!!Sigh...

We contacted them and gave instruction to meet us at the station. 15 minutes passed, they should have already met us up. But hey didn't! So we knew that things went wrong. However, we booked our boat trip at 10:45. The boat wouldn't wait because we didn't have enough money to charter one just for us. So we left them and told them to meet us in Greenwich. Luckily, we got the pact back.

So, it's a nice day full of frustrations. How come people never listen carefully when in groups. I should one day just give each of them a different meeting point so they'll learn to depend on themselves but not just blindly follow whoever is next to them.


At 6:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

都丟這款學生...A 氣係!


At 7:19 AM , Blogger Lonely Planet said...



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