Wednesday, July 28, 2004

What?!  It's coming soon?
As I'm surfing the Net, some Ads just keep popping out. It takes only half second to realize that those pink and red hearts are the symbols of valentine's day. 

On a day that is filled with lovers, hearts, gifts, flowers and romantic meals. On a day that News anchors tell people all about hotel packages, special meal set offered by fancy restaurants. It seems that on Valentine's day all of us should be with someone but not alone.

What about singles? On that day, being single makes you more pathetic. People who see you alone may ask you "Don't you have a date tonight?" or "What happened to the last one you brought home?" Trust me, some of the people are really senseless!  

I was asked by my neighbor this February on Valentine's Day. "What happened to the one you brought home on your dad's birthday?" Hahaha... couldn't be more embarrassing. I wanted to say "It's none of your business." but I couldn't for I was educated to be polite.

Valentine's Day, a day to torture singles legally!! Hahhahaa...

Thursday, July 22, 2004

A woman's life jacket.

Teacher X is now having a great time of her life. Her marriage has undergone some dramatical changes. Story went like this, 3 years ago, her husband had an affair with another woman. He denied though the evident was clear. The story sucks! I know! However, every woman who's been through this has something to teach us about Love and Marriage.

Teacher X said, if you've ever tasted the great pain, you would learn to let go. The most important lesson from it is to know that nothing can really last forever.

Love's like a rose. It only lasts for 3 days then it goes. And when it goes, it goes...Once you fall in love, you need to prepare yourself for breaking up. Once you are married, you need to be well-prepared for changes in your marriage.

When you get the chance to be in love and marriage, just try! But remember to put on a life jacket before getting into the trouble water. You have to be able to stand on your own feet when divorced. This was what Teacher X told me, a stupid girl who once and still wants to believe in the legend of great love lasting forever.

The whole afternoon, I kept on thinking "how many life jackets do I have?" As a woman, what if my marriage went sour at 40? Would I be as brave as my teacher? Would my life jacket support me all the way through the storm? When a woman is willing to give everything she has both in love and marriage, will she be smart enough to keep a life jacket for herself?

Both love and marriage require teamwork. It is difficult to keep a sound relation when only one side is trying. In marriage, if the two sides can't be on the same track, at least they have to head towards the same direction. But what if one has changed his/her goal? Should another one adjust oneself? Or simply change for another partner?

If I could draft a contract of love indicating all the rights and obligations, would I be guaranteed for a stable relation? Just take a look at the insurance market, there are insurances for retirement, for medical purpose, for personal credit. However, no company's dare to make one for Love and Marriage!! This proves that Love is unpredictable, Love isn't about morale, Love is unstable and Love is like dazzling fireworks.

As a woman, do I know to put on a life jacket ahead when love knocks on my doorway again?       

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Reading books is fun.

Recently I'm reading 4 different books almost at the same time.

"The liar's club: A Memoir". ==> It's an autobiography of Mary Karr. She had a terrible childhood with her "too nervous" mother. She has been sexully abused by a young boy in her neighborhood and an adult when she was 8. I haven't finished reading it. Will tell you more when I finish it.

"The things that the boys taught me". ==>It is written by Mr. Tsai, Kang-Young. It's an interesting book about all the boys he met since he's young. There is always one special thing made him remeber a particular boy. He gave each of them a number. Hahah..should I start to make my own list and number them?

"Pheromone in the air." ==> Bobby Chan, the singer, the song writer, the writer I admire the most. Don't ask me why. It's too complicated to explain. When you are deeply in love with someone, there is no reason. Something just can't be explained!

"Sisy Notes." ==> A book I read when I was waiting for my flight. I didn't buy it at once for I need time to think. When I came back home, the first thing is to buy this book! I just started to read it. It's very sharp. That's all I can say now. It's sharp!!

Read more, think more. a complicated situation!

Looking for another half of myself.







Monday, July 12, 2004



男人先是心虛...後是謬論..他說:那是逢場做戲? 再來呢?

女人要離婚? 這下男人又不願意離婚了....他說:孩子呢?孩子怎麼辦?


不離婚的男人是為了什麼呢? 為面子? 爲孩子? 爲銀子? 還是爲愛呢?




Saturday, July 10, 2004





談戀愛跟婚姻都一樣是Team work,光靠一個人的努力是很難維持的。在婚姻與愛情中兩人若不能同軌至少要同方向,有一樣的目標就能維繫兩人的情感。但是當一方的目標變動時,另一方是否要調整自己呢?還是就乾脆地再換一個夥伴呢?




Friday, July 09, 2004



Palau, blue sky, beautiful ocean, lots of fish and annoying tour guide.

I'm back!!! My trip in short but not too short. Hahah...

First day, I met some other people from different tour groups. They were really friendly people and we went fishing in the afternoon. I've only got half fish! Why half of it? My fish was eaten by unknown fish (could be shark)before I pulled it up!

First night, me and 3 other tour members went to karaoke. We had a great time there. After that, my strange tour guide talked to me and thought he realized me so well that he proposed to me. I was really pissed off with him. Being a polite girl as I always am, I said "I'm not in the mood to talk about this. Please don't mention it again." I really got pissed off.

Second day, got up early to have breakfast then we went out to the sea. I enjoyed every water sports including banana boat, floating hamburger, water bike and snorkeling. I screamed like crazy and everyone appreciated it!!

PS. The tour guide said he scarred a girl off by proposing to her. He was testing my limit I thought. I pulled a long face.

Third day, got up early still. Went out to the sea. Climbed up and down to the jellyfish lake. It was awesome! I've never swam with such a large group of jellyfish! hahahah..........The feeling was great. This day, we also went to a place so called "Milky lake." We put white mud on our body and it was great fun as well. In the afternoon, while I was up in the second deck to see the captain driving (don't know which word to use)the boat. He offered me cannabis. It didn't smell bad so I tried but didn't like it!

PS. My tour guide kept mentioning he wanted to marry a girl after 2 years. I wanted to push him down to the sea! He's really a pain in the ass. (excuse my language)

Fourth day, I decided to stay at hotel and enjoy a day without my annoying tour guide. Got up late, enjoyed my morning coffee. Went out to the neighborhood with my book and picked an Indian restaurant for lunch. It was the best meal I've ever had since I arrived Palau. I was happy and free of annoying guide.

Fourth night, me and other 5 people sat by the swimming pool with our beer and snacks. We talked, laughed and I saw my very first shooting star in my life. It was orange! It was so beautiful. I screamed over the excitement. It was gone while I was screaming!

Fifth day. Got up a bit earlier than the fourth day. Enjoyed my breakfast. Went out to buy some cards and sent out all my post cards to my friends and myself. Lunch with a bunch of people and asked them to write down their e-mail address for me.

In the afternoon, jumped on the flight home. I didn't like Fareastern airline. If I ever had another choice, I wouldn't have chosen it.

Hahahaha..... are your eyes tired?! I'm tired too!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Something's gotta give, a sweet love story.

Friday afternoon, raining, boring, surfing Net, chatting via MSN, waiting for reply.

Plan set with Linny.

Friday night, movie night at my place. It was down pouring outside. I went out to rent a movie we all agree to watch. Six thirty at my place, Linny, Debby and 小麥 came with pizza and coke.

Seven. Movie started. When Keanu Reeves appeared on screen, we've got one male and one female screaming. Guess who were they? Hahah....Not me la. You know my taste.

Diane Keton stars a 56 year-old playwrite. Keanu Reeves as a handsome doctor at his 30s. Jack Nicholson, a 67 year-old man who only dates women under 30. It's a love story between these 3 major characters. A nice little film with famous stars. I would say the story is okay but the acting is brilliant.

What's our favorite scene? It's the one that Diane Keton walks in her room naked and Jack sees her. That scene is classic. Don't mean the naked part but the acting of these two big stars. It's impressive and looks so natural.

After the film, they were busying making their clubbing plans and calling friends. Me..not going but suggesting the place to go. Weird, right? Ha... Since my mom doesn't like me going out late at night. I'd better save some credits for next month. I've been partying too much recently from her point of view. Mom's not happy about it. So I'd better be a mom's girl for a while.

Friday night, me alone at home. Net...drinking coke...thinking of you.


IT'S SUMMER!!! SUMMER! SUMMER ALREADY. However, it's raining now. It's raining now. It's raining now. Hoo.... I want to complain but my friend told me not for I have more holiday than others.

Summer, time for party and drink. mom offered her advice to me. She said "You are a teacher. You have to behave well and be a role modle to your students. Never stay out late at night."

I think my mom is right but I just don't want to take her advice. hahaha.. I am acting like a teenage girl. As a teacher, I should well-behaved and never do anything to harm my professional image no matter what that is.

But this is my life. I think as long as I do no harm to myself and to the society, I can choose my own way of life. As Linny said "My blog, my way." I would say "My life, My way."
