Thursday, July 22, 2004

A woman's life jacket.

Teacher X is now having a great time of her life. Her marriage has undergone some dramatical changes. Story went like this, 3 years ago, her husband had an affair with another woman. He denied though the evident was clear. The story sucks! I know! However, every woman who's been through this has something to teach us about Love and Marriage.

Teacher X said, if you've ever tasted the great pain, you would learn to let go. The most important lesson from it is to know that nothing can really last forever.

Love's like a rose. It only lasts for 3 days then it goes. And when it goes, it goes...Once you fall in love, you need to prepare yourself for breaking up. Once you are married, you need to be well-prepared for changes in your marriage.

When you get the chance to be in love and marriage, just try! But remember to put on a life jacket before getting into the trouble water. You have to be able to stand on your own feet when divorced. This was what Teacher X told me, a stupid girl who once and still wants to believe in the legend of great love lasting forever.

The whole afternoon, I kept on thinking "how many life jackets do I have?" As a woman, what if my marriage went sour at 40? Would I be as brave as my teacher? Would my life jacket support me all the way through the storm? When a woman is willing to give everything she has both in love and marriage, will she be smart enough to keep a life jacket for herself?

Both love and marriage require teamwork. It is difficult to keep a sound relation when only one side is trying. In marriage, if the two sides can't be on the same track, at least they have to head towards the same direction. But what if one has changed his/her goal? Should another one adjust oneself? Or simply change for another partner?

If I could draft a contract of love indicating all the rights and obligations, would I be guaranteed for a stable relation? Just take a look at the insurance market, there are insurances for retirement, for medical purpose, for personal credit. However, no company's dare to make one for Love and Marriage!! This proves that Love is unpredictable, Love isn't about morale, Love is unstable and Love is like dazzling fireworks.

As a woman, do I know to put on a life jacket ahead when love knocks on my doorway again?       


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