Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What's the worth of your face?

It was Tuesday afternoon, while Terry and I stood near the window and tried to see what the traffic warden Sue gonna do about the cars that parked on the street, a fine gentleman walked in, he came in and ordered a fruit salad and a cup of tea. Then after he paid, he gave me a pound and said to me "I'll tell you what to do, you take half of it because you are pretty." I said thanks and smiled.

But what I thought was "What? Is my prettiness only worh of 50p? You gotta be kidding, mate! " Haha.. what a day!!



Tuesday, March 20, 2007









Sunday, March 18, 2007

My 30th Birthday Cards.
The big one is from Terry and Brian, my bosses at the Cafe Bar.
The middle with lovely figure is from Winston, my nephew.
The black one is from Pat, my land lady.
The flowr one is from Julie, Sally, Jill Nad Annet, my colleagues in Orchard Tea rooms.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Me, 30 and my Birthday cake.
It's my 30th birthday. I wasn't expecting anything but thought of a dinner with myself. However, I got the first Birthday Surprise when I woke up to find a card and a little box on the dinning table. It was a necklace and a card from Pat, my landlady. She's so sweet!!
The second surprise was at work. My boss bought me this noisy Birthday card, when I opened the card, it sings "Happy Birthday to you". It's not the normal one we sang, it's a special one done by a pop singer. Haha.. I'm so sourprised!
The third surpris was my boss Terry let me go off an hour early so I can organise my dinner. He's nice. Very sweet!!
So I went home earlier and called my friend. We went to an Italian restaurant. We had big fatty dinner together. It was nice. I had good time dinning out. I took a photo tonight to commemerate my 30th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Genie. You've turned out gracefully!

Monday, March 12, 2007


吉妮今天的心情很愉快!! 因為那家公司有打電話跟我說,爲什麼沒有錄用我?他說最後就是選到我跟另外一個人,但是沒用我的原因有兩點.

第一點: 這份工作比較算是行政職,我的經驗是比較偏向翻譯跟教學.(這點是騙人的啦!! 大小姐我,好歹也當過兩年總經理秘書.行政誰不會!!只有程度不高的英國人才不會!! )

第二點:工作簽證,這個要花公司不少錢,還要跟英國內政部打交道. (這點就是最重要的! 雖然他否認喔,但是整通電話除了第一句是講第一點之外,其他都在講第二點.)

你說英國人是不是真的笨笨的! 講錢的事情就直接說嘛...我這個人,什麼都很囉唆,猶豫不決.錢的事最爽快了..買東西從來不殺價的!! 直接跟我說,小姐我就會大聲地說"錢跟申請流程本小姐搞定!! 你負責蓋章簽名就行" 哈哈..這樣不是很好嗎?

真是笨啦!! 這些笨笨的英國人. 真的是笨啦......公司開越大越笨!! 連我咖啡店老闆都知道要好好珍惜我這得來不易的優秀員工,真不知道那家公司在想什麼?語言訓練公司,有雙語的人不好嗎?我咧..原來不是我不夠好,而是敗給懶散的英國人.


Saturday, March 10, 2007






Friday, March 09, 2007

I am so upset.. what the hell is this?

I applied to a job at a Language training company as a Translation coordinator. I passed the first interview and then they invited me back for a day in their office as a second interview. I thought my experience and ability is what they are looking for and I am likely to get this job. However, when in the second interview, they brought up the concern of applying and paying for my work permit. My heart sank....
Then today I got this e-mail, I really wanted to say "Wale Fucking la di da!"

I've told them I need the company to apply work permit for me at the first interview, if they do mind, why ask me to go again? If they think I am not up to the par, why kept telling me I've been great at the tasks they set me to do?! Just tell me what I can improve but not pretending that my performance is impressive.

Can somebody told me how to think Positively in this situation. Fuck... this is the worst 30 Birthday present I got.

Dear Genie,

Many thanks for taking the time to come in and work with us this week. We all enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you better.I am writing to say that, while you clearly some extremely valuable experience and a lot to offer us, we have decided to offer the job to one of the other applicants. We wish you all the best in your search for a new job and think you have a huge amount to offer future employer. If you would like to speak to me further about any of this, please do give me a call.

Kind regards


Saturday, March 03, 2007

我老爸跟外甥還有我送的花!! 嘿嘿....謝謝大家!!!


Tabloid and Life.
It's life!! Whenever we think to ourselves, what is the purpose of my life, we often get stuck and might even feel depressed or should I say "a bit down". But it was last Sunday, the weather wasn't too bad so I went out to get a paper and milk. Oh.. and to my surprise, the Indian or Paki corner shop has Instant noodles like ours in Taiwan but not in a small cup like the British ones. So I bought them. The things you see in the picture cost me 3 pounds (180 NT). Oh.. I lost my point, my point is Life is only about daily indulgence and chores.
I started thinking the meaning of my life when I was 13 and stopped searching when I was 15. Because I knew this is life. It's about How to be good to the world and How to be good to yourself and How to lead a decent life. And often I feel surprised how easy it is to feel satisfied and happy. After a tiring day at work, get home, get changed, get a good meal and that's it. How trivil those things are but that's life.
Good weather, some milk for coffee, a tabloid and a pack of instant noodles for lunch. That's a damn decent life!! Haha..
人生不過就這樣!! 星期天的早晨..看看小報..喝杯咖啡... 中午煮碗泡麵...不過就這樣..哈哈...