Saturday, March 03, 2007

Tabloid and Life.
It's life!! Whenever we think to ourselves, what is the purpose of my life, we often get stuck and might even feel depressed or should I say "a bit down". But it was last Sunday, the weather wasn't too bad so I went out to get a paper and milk. Oh.. and to my surprise, the Indian or Paki corner shop has Instant noodles like ours in Taiwan but not in a small cup like the British ones. So I bought them. The things you see in the picture cost me 3 pounds (180 NT). Oh.. I lost my point, my point is Life is only about daily indulgence and chores.
I started thinking the meaning of my life when I was 13 and stopped searching when I was 15. Because I knew this is life. It's about How to be good to the world and How to be good to yourself and How to lead a decent life. And often I feel surprised how easy it is to feel satisfied and happy. After a tiring day at work, get home, get changed, get a good meal and that's it. How trivil those things are but that's life.
Good weather, some milk for coffee, a tabloid and a pack of instant noodles for lunch. That's a damn decent life!! Haha..
人生不過就這樣!! 星期天的早晨..看看小報..喝杯咖啡... 中午煮碗泡麵...不過就這樣..哈哈...


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