Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Babel ...火線交錯..

I just came home from a movie. I couldn't decide which movie to watch so I asked my friend to draw a lot. So we ended up watching Babel which is nominated for 7 awards in Oscar and some other awards as well.


So we watched it and after that I felt speechless. After a speechless moment, I had something to say about Babel, "Great attempt but fails to impress and somehow it's STUPID."

看完電影之後,我覺得....無話可說!! 無話可說之後,對這部片,我想說的是 "理想遠大,不過,無法令人動容.而且..有點笨!"

It's a great attempt to show that evey little thing is linked to one another. However, we knew that already without watching the film. So.. what is the point of making this film. It has BIG CAST but so what??

這部片有遠大的抱負想要呈現出世上每一件事都是息息相關的,但是,我們不用看電影也早就知道啦!!所以,到底爲什麼要拍這部片呢? 卡司大..但是又怎樣呢?

I knew some people might think I am too shalow to understand but the truth is "Don't try to act as a great thinker when there is really nothing vital to think about!!"


Oh.. one thing made me feel funny is that when the American Cops appeared on screen and spoke those "nonesense bit". I felt so annoyed by their accent. I really wanted to hit them on the head. Gosh.. I am contaminated by British.!!

喔..有件好笑的事.當我聽到影片中的美國警察開口說話時,我好想一巴掌從他們的頭打下去!那腔調真讓我受不了.呵呵...我被英國人污染了!!! 救命阿....


At 3:40 AM , Blogger Tina said...

Yes i couldn't even finish this movie and only watched half of the dvd. It's too grey and too stupid. How could they start all the tragedy from a poor innocent family? Idiot and bumptious hollywoodies!!


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