Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Boxing Day!

Happy Boxing Day. It's the day after Christmas Day. Why is it called Boxing Day? Nobody knows it so don't ask me. Haha.. But the tradition for today is to have COLD Lunch. Weired... Well, but the westerners are used to COLD meals anyway. So no need making a fuss about it! Haha..

Well.. if you insisted asking me why? I think that's because they had so much left over after Christmas Day. So the housewives were already fed up cooking again, that's why Boxing day is a day for COLD meal! Haha

Boxing Day 快樂! 聖誕節過後就是Boxing Day. 為什麼叫這個名字? 難道是因為拳擊賽嗎? 沒人知道,所以,不要問我啦!

不過今天傳統上就是要吃"涼"的午餐. 那曾媽媽一定覺得外國人好可憐喔..怎麼都吃冷的!? 不過,外國人習慣了,不用太擔心他們! 哈哈..

但是如果你堅持要知道爲什麼? 我想大概是聖誕節太多剩菜了!那家庭主婦懶得再煮東西,所以就叫大家都吃冰的! 哈哈哈...


At 1:14 PM , Blogger Tina said...

We don't care how the name comes from...
We only care when the shops open and how much discount they offer!!:P

Boxing day, Shopping day!!:D

At 3:46 PM , Blogger Lonely Planet said...

Haha.. Linny, you ROCK!! Now I can tell my landlady about it! Cheers mate!

Tina, the dicount is about 50% off. Some may go up to 60 or 70%. But that's rare. Haven't bought anything though.


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