Monday, December 04, 2006

Another happy photo taken weeks ago.

幾個星期前跟西班牙朋友的合照! 昨天才拿到這張照片,我好喜歡喔! 因為看起來好自然,好快樂!! 現在我最需要的就是快樂!

Today I am excited. Why?? I've just been to an interview in a small hotel in town. They decided to let me work for a couple of hours next Wednesday just to see how I get on with it.

The position is Assistant Manager though it's only a part time work. However, if I can work there then I will be able to say I've got experience working in a hotel and I can go from there and look for some other placement. Wish me luck!! Wish me luck,please for I DO NEED LOTS OF IT.

今天天氣很差,我想大概快下雨了! 坐在教堂邊的我手指已經凍僵囉. 但是我的心情卻是興奮的! 因為,我剛剛去應徵一份兼職的工作,在一個小旅館當小小助理經理.他們希望我下星期去試工.真希望能成功!畢竟這是我在英國的第一個工作機會!! 希望從這裡開始,我能漸漸打開在英國工作的大門!!

祝我幸運吧!! 我希望下星期還能帶給大家好消息!!


At 4:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this photo, too. Just as you said, everyone was natural and happy! ^_^ I visit your blog often and read all news. No matter you are up or down, please remember you have a home and good friends in Taiwan...... ^_^

At 7:46 AM , Blogger 就是愛俏皮RITA said...

YOu are really losing your pounds...Good for you..

We were planning to visit UK this year, however, I spent all of our money for a house. Therefore..... no money now.

Ha... maybe next year then...



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