Monday, November 27, 2006

Jacket Potato and Apple.

It makes quite a nice picture, doesn't it?

I have nothing good to share at the moment. I guess the best thing I can tell you is that I am not going to kill myslef at the mean time. Hahaha..Kidding, don't get too worried! I am too chicken to kill myslef. I don't even have courage to think about it. Heheh..Don't argue, it does need courage!!

最近沒有好消息可以跟大家分享.最好的消息應該是我最近不會殺死我自己.哈哈..不用太擔心阿!我不是一個有那種決心的人! 這種事情需要太多勇氣了,我做不到! 這種是真的需要勇氣跟決心的!!

It's very true that weater and literature have strong impact on people. I've been reading Virgina Woolf's stuff. Guess it wouldn't help me to stay cheerful and in high spirits. However, reading and writing are two things that make people stay alive. I think if it wouldn't for writing, Virginia wouldn't have lived till the day she decided not to write anymore.


How about me? I don't know. Maybe I will stay alive until the day I decided not to travel anymore. Haha.. Don't not woryy, please. I didn't plan to kill myslef in the near future. Only the freezing gale is killing me.

我呢?不知道耶. 或許會一直活到我決定不再旅行的那一天吧!! 哈哈..不用煩惱,我最近真的沒有殺死自己的計畫!!只有刺骨的寒風...


At 10:33 AM , Blogger Lonely Planet said...

hihi... ya. But that's for POSH people loh. Poor students like my humble dself do not have Powerful friends and only few quids in the pocket will be sitting at home alone with my jacket potato loh. Hahah...


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