Saturday, December 16, 2006

It's Saturday...

It's Saturday but I have no cheerful thoughts. I woke up, thinking this might be a good day for I saw some blue sky and sunshine from my bed window. I came down for breakfast and got a letter from my previous interview with a luxury hotel in Climping.

今天是星期六,但是我沒有快樂的念頭.一早看見藍天跟陽光,還以為今天會是個幸運的日子. 早餐的時候,接到星期一去面試的結果.

The interview went so well that I was worried if I got the job, my transportation to work will be a little problem because Climping is virtually in the middle of nowhere.

面試的時候,氣氛超級輕鬆愉快,我還開始擔心萬一順利得到這份工作,交通不方便怎麼辦. 因為Bailiffscourt Hotel的位置,實在是有點偏僻!但也因為偏僻,所以是個非常美,佔地幾公頃的鄉村飯店.

But now, I don't need to worry because I didn't get the job. Sigh... A good interview does not mean a chance for work. Even when the Hotel Manager sais he's very impressed with my English, it doesn't mean anything. Even if he said I had a great CV, it doesn't mean anything either.Cool... I got it now!!

但是,現在不需要擔心了!因為我還是失敗了! 哈哈...面試表現好,不一定會有機會工作.就算經理覺得我的英文好也不代表什麼! 就算他說我的履歷很棒,也不代表什麼!! 嘿嘿..現在我明白啦!

Perhaps the one up there wants to open a window for me since HE shot the door of Hotel at me. HE made my connection at home today for me to write a Thank You letter to the Hotel Manager and ask him to give me some feedback. However, I don't know if this connection gonna last. Sigh ...

也許,老天爺想鼓勵我一下,關起了工作的大門,卻幫我開了網路連線. 我正坐在飯廳裡,跟你們報告我失敗的消息.還寫了封信給飯店經理,請他給我一些面試的回應與建議. 希望,這個連線能持續下去...太失敗了..真的是...太失敗了.

But I am still fighting for my chance here. Maybe I will be a professional Part-Timer here. Hahaha...My mom's gonna be mad, my dad's gonna be disappointed and I'm gonna laugh all over about my failuers here. hahah...hahah...What can I do?

我還在努力當中,我一定會加油的!! 我就不信我不行!! 搞不好,我會在這裡變成一個專業的打工仔!! 我老媽一定很生氣...我老爸一定很失望...我還是會哈哈笑...哈哈哈哈哈...哈哈哈哈哈...還能怎樣??


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