Monday, December 18, 2006

A Pro Assistant I am. Haha..


Today I worked as Monday Assistant in Orchard Tea Romm just down the North Street. Then the day after tomorrow, which is Wednesday, I will be the Assistant manager in the Suffolk House Hotel. And... if I am lucky, I might be Saturday & Sunday Assistant in Maison Blanc, a Posh French Cafe. So then by the end of the day I will be a Professional Assistant. Hahaha.....How professional!!

Sorry! I am sorry! This is not what I came for but for the time being, this seems to be the best I can do now while wishing and waiting for some formal job inteviews. I don't mind taking orders, serving, making sandwiches and coffee.(It's actually quite interesting!I've never had chance to do this in Taiwan.) I am fine becuase at least I am doing something.

今天,我是Orchard Tea Room 的星期一助理! 再過一天,也就是星期三,我是Suffolk House Hotel的助理經理.然後,如果我夠運氣的話,我會變成Maison Blanc,一家死高檔的法國咖啡屋的週末助理.那我就會變成超級專業助理!!! 哈哈...夠專業吧!!

對不起! 對不起...這不是我來英國的目的.但是,等待機會的同時,好像也只能這樣了!! 我其實覺得OK, 我不在乎點單,做三明治,煮咖啡. (其實還蠻有趣的,是我從沒做過事情!很像辦家家酒!) 起碼,我還有事做!


At 10:18 AM , Blogger Lonely Planet said...

Ah...I am crying now!! You are so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. What can I do without you, my dearest mate! We can live together when we are getting old and too miserable! We're gonna take good care of each other!! Hahah...


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