Friday, March 09, 2007

I am so upset.. what the hell is this?

I applied to a job at a Language training company as a Translation coordinator. I passed the first interview and then they invited me back for a day in their office as a second interview. I thought my experience and ability is what they are looking for and I am likely to get this job. However, when in the second interview, they brought up the concern of applying and paying for my work permit. My heart sank....
Then today I got this e-mail, I really wanted to say "Wale Fucking la di da!"

I've told them I need the company to apply work permit for me at the first interview, if they do mind, why ask me to go again? If they think I am not up to the par, why kept telling me I've been great at the tasks they set me to do?! Just tell me what I can improve but not pretending that my performance is impressive.

Can somebody told me how to think Positively in this situation. Fuck... this is the worst 30 Birthday present I got.

Dear Genie,

Many thanks for taking the time to come in and work with us this week. We all enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you better.I am writing to say that, while you clearly some extremely valuable experience and a lot to offer us, we have decided to offer the job to one of the other applicants. We wish you all the best in your search for a new job and think you have a huge amount to offer future employer. If you would like to speak to me further about any of this, please do give me a call.

Kind regards



At 4:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you still hold the student visa? Why don't you try to apply for the "internship" and start from there?

Just a suggestion....

At 9:27 AM , Blogger Lonely Planet said...

well... I did. But either no reply or the time isn't right. So.. that's it, really. Sigh...


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