Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Boxing Day!

Happy Boxing Day. It's the day after Christmas Day. Why is it called Boxing Day? Nobody knows it so don't ask me. Haha.. But the tradition for today is to have COLD Lunch. Weired... Well, but the westerners are used to COLD meals anyway. So no need making a fuss about it! Haha..

Well.. if you insisted asking me why? I think that's because they had so much left over after Christmas Day. So the housewives were already fed up cooking again, that's why Boxing day is a day for COLD meal! Haha

Boxing Day 快樂! 聖誕節過後就是Boxing Day. 為什麼叫這個名字? 難道是因為拳擊賽嗎? 沒人知道,所以,不要問我啦!

不過今天傳統上就是要吃"涼"的午餐. 那曾媽媽一定覺得外國人好可憐喔..怎麼都吃冷的!? 不過,外國人習慣了,不用太擔心他們! 哈哈..

但是如果你堅持要知道爲什麼? 我想大概是聖誕節太多剩菜了!那家庭主婦懶得再煮東西,所以就叫大家都吃冰的! 哈哈哈...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sky is the limit!?

So when sky is like this, does that mean we can't go any further?

天無止盡?! 當天空像這樣的時候,還能向前邁進嗎?

Monday, December 18, 2006

A Pro Assistant I am. Haha..


Today I worked as Monday Assistant in Orchard Tea Romm just down the North Street. Then the day after tomorrow, which is Wednesday, I will be the Assistant manager in the Suffolk House Hotel. And... if I am lucky, I might be Saturday & Sunday Assistant in Maison Blanc, a Posh French Cafe. So then by the end of the day I will be a Professional Assistant. Hahaha.....How professional!!

Sorry! I am sorry! This is not what I came for but for the time being, this seems to be the best I can do now while wishing and waiting for some formal job inteviews. I don't mind taking orders, serving, making sandwiches and coffee.(It's actually quite interesting!I've never had chance to do this in Taiwan.) I am fine becuase at least I am doing something.

今天,我是Orchard Tea Room 的星期一助理! 再過一天,也就是星期三,我是Suffolk House Hotel的助理經理.然後,如果我夠運氣的話,我會變成Maison Blanc,一家死高檔的法國咖啡屋的週末助理.那我就會變成超級專業助理!!! 哈哈...夠專業吧!!

對不起! 對不起...這不是我來英國的目的.但是,等待機會的同時,好像也只能這樣了!! 我其實覺得OK, 我不在乎點單,做三明治,煮咖啡. (其實還蠻有趣的,是我從沒做過事情!很像辦家家酒!) 起碼,我還有事做!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

It's Saturday...

It's Saturday but I have no cheerful thoughts. I woke up, thinking this might be a good day for I saw some blue sky and sunshine from my bed window. I came down for breakfast and got a letter from my previous interview with a luxury hotel in Climping.

今天是星期六,但是我沒有快樂的念頭.一早看見藍天跟陽光,還以為今天會是個幸運的日子. 早餐的時候,接到星期一去面試的結果.

The interview went so well that I was worried if I got the job, my transportation to work will be a little problem because Climping is virtually in the middle of nowhere.

面試的時候,氣氛超級輕鬆愉快,我還開始擔心萬一順利得到這份工作,交通不方便怎麼辦. 因為Bailiffscourt Hotel的位置,實在是有點偏僻!但也因為偏僻,所以是個非常美,佔地幾公頃的鄉村飯店.

But now, I don't need to worry because I didn't get the job. Sigh... A good interview does not mean a chance for work. Even when the Hotel Manager sais he's very impressed with my English, it doesn't mean anything. Even if he said I had a great CV, it doesn't mean anything either.Cool... I got it now!!

但是,現在不需要擔心了!因為我還是失敗了! 哈哈...面試表現好,不一定會有機會工作.就算經理覺得我的英文好也不代表什麼! 就算他說我的履歷很棒,也不代表什麼!! 嘿嘿..現在我明白啦!

Perhaps the one up there wants to open a window for me since HE shot the door of Hotel at me. HE made my connection at home today for me to write a Thank You letter to the Hotel Manager and ask him to give me some feedback. However, I don't know if this connection gonna last. Sigh ...

也許,老天爺想鼓勵我一下,關起了工作的大門,卻幫我開了網路連線. 我正坐在飯廳裡,跟你們報告我失敗的消息.還寫了封信給飯店經理,請他給我一些面試的回應與建議. 希望,這個連線能持續下去...太失敗了..真的是...太失敗了.

But I am still fighting for my chance here. Maybe I will be a professional Part-Timer here. Hahaha...My mom's gonna be mad, my dad's gonna be disappointed and I'm gonna laugh all over about my failuers here. hahah...hahah...What can I do?

我還在努力當中,我一定會加油的!! 我就不信我不行!! 搞不好,我會在這裡變成一個專業的打工仔!! 我老媽一定很生氣...我老爸一定很失望...我還是會哈哈笑...哈哈哈哈哈...哈哈哈哈哈...還能怎樣??

Monday, December 04, 2006

Another happy photo taken weeks ago.

幾個星期前跟西班牙朋友的合照! 昨天才拿到這張照片,我好喜歡喔! 因為看起來好自然,好快樂!! 現在我最需要的就是快樂!

Today I am excited. Why?? I've just been to an interview in a small hotel in town. They decided to let me work for a couple of hours next Wednesday just to see how I get on with it.

The position is Assistant Manager though it's only a part time work. However, if I can work there then I will be able to say I've got experience working in a hotel and I can go from there and look for some other placement. Wish me luck!! Wish me luck,please for I DO NEED LOTS OF IT.

今天天氣很差,我想大概快下雨了! 坐在教堂邊的我手指已經凍僵囉. 但是我的心情卻是興奮的! 因為,我剛剛去應徵一份兼職的工作,在一個小旅館當小小助理經理.他們希望我下星期去試工.真希望能成功!畢竟這是我在英國的第一個工作機會!! 希望從這裡開始,我能漸漸打開在英國工作的大門!!

祝我幸運吧!! 我希望下星期還能帶給大家好消息!!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy Dinner on 20 November.

This is the most recent photo of me and my new friends. We had a nice dinner at my place. It took me a while to prepare the dishes but we enjoyed it very much. That was the happiest dinner I've ever had since I came to UK. And this is also the happiest photo I can share with you.

My Mexican friends are inviting me to move with them to London next week. The aprtement they found has only 2 rooms. A big double and a tiny single which fit for 3. If I move there, one of us will be sleeping in the living room. Still thinking but somehow I wish I wouldn't have to move.

Life here gets depressing since I ahven't found my placement. I am worried about my working experience. If I can't have my work experience here, maybe it's time to think of other plans.

My tutor told me not to panic but be patience. How can I not be panic or worried? Everything has a buttom line. When is mine? January? or Febuary? I think I need to set a dead line. Sigh... I'm wondering if I have what it takes to be successful here.