Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Offer and New Option ...

Starting from Saturday, I came to relaize that how my life can be more different than others. I was in the principle's office with Dean and another teacher. I can't remember exactly what we were talking about, then the Sister suddendly said "Would you consider being a nun?"

I was so shocked. How can I be a nun? Can you imagine me being a nun and in a nun outfit? Come on ... not to mention that I am not even a Catholic! It's so funny that I don't know if it's something that I've done that makes the Sister feel that I am a good candidate.

Anyway, when the Dean said Genie will be a really strange nun and never fit in. You know what the principle replied? She said, "It's fine and not necessary a bad thing." The Sister even said, "We are changing our outfit."

My... I don't know that the Catholic church is so desperate for new nuns! They change rules! Haha..Oh, or is that only because the Sister was just trying to convince me of being a nun?

How can my life be different? Be a nun and I won't need to deal with all those stupid questions raised and the pressures I am under. Haha... sounds very excited, doesn't it?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008











Wednesday, May 14, 2008


除了昨天被妹妹譏笑...."你挑男人的 range 真的很寬." 之外,沒有好笑的事情了.





Thursday, May 01, 2008

Photo and Man ...

This is actually my favourite photo. I love it so much that I'll want to use it on my funeral. People who have heard me saying this feel odd and they always say, "Don't say this, Genie. It's not right to think of death at your age."

Recently I felt that I've changed. I've got some more physical confidence in myslef. Why? I am not so sure. Maybe that's becasue I am getting old. Haha...

Oh.. and about MEN. I've been introduced to a couple of men. I have no feeling for most of them. Maybe I am as shallow as most people and deep down I want a smart and good looking man to be my future husband. I think I look all right and I do deserve a man who looks decent. Haha..Am I buying a house or something? But ... it's human nature. No one will want to be with a man who you don't feel like feeling his face or arms. Gosh.... I am shallow.

I've been trying to lose some weight since last week. One of my male friends told me through MSN chatting that what he thinks of me. He said, "Genie, seriously, I think you're a very charming woman. You don't need to lose weight. You've got these beautiful eyes and believe me if I had known you 7 or 8 years ago when I wasn't married.... You are my type. "

It's a bit odd but very encouraging. Haha... I think I can use a bit of good words and those compliments. Haha... Shallow! I am really shallow. And I met up with my female friend and her husband last night. She said, Genie, I think you are a very charming person. I like it better when you are chubby. Haha... I am encourgaed to eat more!

Haha.... Well, to sum up, I am not sure if I need a man. I am not sure if I want to be in marriage. I am not sure if my students like me and I am not sure if they are studying hard. So, this is life.. and I don't really know...


挺膚淺的!最近整個人膚淺了起來.男人的事情,我不懂!我只知道,沒有感覺,男人再怎麼樣愛我,喜歡我都是沒用的.心情有點怪,整個人怪了起來,想著你,想著過往,或許,我也真的膚淺了起來!或許我必須承認 Takeshi 說的,Men and Women are all about sex drive and physical attraction. ...