Thursday, May 24, 2007

Eva Peron = Evita = Don't cry for me Argentina!!

I was in London for business and for a little pleasure on my own. I went to Legalisation office in London to have my MA degree legalised. It was a 2-hour wait and 27-pound cost to have my copy of the degree STAMPED by the British Government. Ha.. finally done, my darlings.

Then I went to the theatre to see the one I've always wanted to see apart from the ones I've seen. It's Evita. The production is going to end on 26 May so I went to see it!! It was amazing!! The music, the cast and everything. It was just overwhelming.

The actress who played Evita is Elena Roger. She is about my size and well.. I shall say she is smaller than I am to do her justice. But her voice was just so powerful. She gave much more Latin flavour to the character than Madonna did in the film. Elena sang through the whole show and I do admire her strength and energy.

One more thing about the show was the Argentine Tango. The choreography was beautiful, they danced it so elegantly and passionately. Though I can't see myself dancing like them, it was absolutely gorgeous. They were just divine.

Besides the leading actress, there is another young actress playing Peron's Mistress. Her name is Lorna Want. She is beautiful and I enjoyed her singing "What happens now?" I like her very much!! She gave a teenage girl look, a bit timid, gentle, vulnerable but tried to be strong performance. The whole show was phenomenal though it also cost me money. Quite expensive but worth every penny!

You can visit the website and see some vedio clips and also intro of the actress and actors. I love it!! So the next thing I am going to do is Stand Through a Shakespear Play. Hurrah... A bit of a challenge both physical and mental.
That's all for now, my darlings.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Old Habit and New Style?

Well.. it is very true that human beings are habitual animals. We usually do things in a certain way that we feel safe and familiar with. Ocassionally, we might feel like having some changes, but we seldom carry out the new ideas.

I have been thinking to have a new hair style for months but I still haven't got any ideas of what I should look or what style suits me best. One may argue, you can go to hair salons and consult the stylists. Ha.. yes, but how can you trust someone that you don't even know.

Very Bad... Very Bad indeed.

I am used to Long Hair so if anyone tells me to cut my hari short, I will surely feel really uncertain. But, the truth is, I want a bit change. So what to do ... and what not to do become very important to me.

I've been thinking to have a perm. Should I do my hair as Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and City? Here is where Old habit comes in, it tells me, "No, you are not a wild person, it doesn't suit you." My somewhat carzy new personality tells me "Why not! It changes your character. Just do it!"

Well.. in the end, I am still getting nowhere? Anyone wants to offer some advice?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Special K Challenge.

I am on casual diet. It's a habit that I keep pretty well here in UK. Partly because I need it and partly because I want to do my mum proud.

I've lost nearly a stone since I came here. I think I was at my heaviest when I came last year. Now I look slimmer than before and I am proud though my progress isn't fast, I am still losing some weight every week about a pound or two.

This week, I am trying to live on cereals for 2 meals a day and have one light meal. In this way, I shall be able to lose more than 1 pound which is about 0.4 kg. I hope I will lose 3 pounds this week. I started it yesterday, it was so difficult. I was starving in the evening... sigh!

My mum's very happy when she saw me in America. She said "Oh, you do lose some weights, very good. Keep on the good work!" And on Mother's day, I phoned her and she said "Have you kept your diet under control? " Hah.. another way of saying "Keep losing weights, will you?"

Well.. so I hope in 2 weeks, I could drop a size, maybe an inch on my waist and butt. Can I? Oh, by the way, I am healthy. So don't worry too much about me, I do eat! Some of my colleagues said I am anorexia but NO.. I won't be! I LOVE FOOD.

The other day I watched a programme called "How to look good naked!" It was great! After watching it, I think I look quite all right naked! Well.. if I can put a few pounds back on my breast, that might be better! Haha...

曾媽媽.....我有努力減肥喔! 你最近辛苦了!! 回去再帶你去吃大餐,好好補一補!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Just some thoughts…

Part 1 -- Social climber

Is being a social climber a sin, a crime, or a perfectly normal thing to human nature? Tonight I watched a movie and thought of this question. Of course, we despise those who work their way up no matter using their charm, bodies, money, or friends, but isn’t there a moment that we just love to be in a glamorous high social circle?

I have thought of this and I am not ashamed. Despite my humble background, I do dream that one day I’d be in a reputable profession and become part of the circle. I might then decide if it’s worthy of being part of it.

Part 2 –- 爆料

忘了哪一天,在新聞網站看到名模白XX爆料,名模圈都有拇指外翻的困擾!哈….Big Deal!! 小姐我也是耶!沒想到這些名模跟本小姐有一樣的困擾,她們真是與有榮焉!


如果有一天,爆料的內容變成"你知道嗎,那天我在書店看見我的名模姊妹滔在看百年孤寂或是自爆最近去芝加哥參加了反國際化遊行."一定很好玩!If they can spare some thoughts of the real world but not the fashion world…

Part 3 – Party

I do go to parties once in a while. It’s not that I have no friends but I am too lazy. Sometimes, I really don’t want to go out late at night especially when I’ve finished my shower. It’s so annoying to be in a place where everybody smokes and gets all those stinky smell on my outfit and hair.

I understand that most of people will love to be invited to parties, but most of the parties are pretty boring after all. You go, drink, talk silly and go home not remembering a decent conversation you’ve exchanged in the entire evening and people call that FUN, oh God blind me!

Instead of drinking with a bunch of friend’s friends, I much prefer a night with close friends in a decent place where we can all talk nicely and have beautiful food. This is what I’d say a good night out partying with friends. I don’t fancy late night drinking and shouting loud in a smoky house or on the street. I am way too sophisticated for all those things. Remember, I am Her Royal Highness from the Tseng’s.

Part 4 – 國際派對






Sunday, May 06, 2007

Grand Cannyon...

The Mummy.....

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

USA 2007

Day 1 It was 19:25. I landed again in LA, 4.5 years after my first visit on business. I was a bit nervous because I was about to meet my sweet family, including my adorable nephew. 21:10, I saw the first glimpse of my family walking through the arrival gate. Here they were, sweet and couldn’t be more sweet!!
第一天, 傍晚七點二十五分,抵達睽違四年半的洛杉磯機場,有點小緊張,因為很快就要見到我親愛的家人啦,還有我的外甥!九點十分,看到家人走出入境大廳,真是太可愛啦!

第二天, 天氣陰陰的,有一種不詳的預兆.這一團一定有人很...LA是幾乎不下雨的地方好嗎?結果這天居然硬生生地下起大雨,更慘的是,刮大風,最慘無人道的是,我們一行人全在迪士尼.
Day 2 Cloudy in the morning, it was a bad sign. There must be a very …person in the group. LA is a place that nearly never rains, isn’t it? But it was down pouring that day! What's worse was that it was windy. And if you think that’s about the worst you could get, you were so mistaken! It's the day that God hated us so much; we were all in Disneyland.

Day 3 A nice day! The weather couldn’t be better. I felt blessed. We went to Universal Studio. We tried many different rides. The most exciting one was “The Mummy's revenge.” the fastest ever indoor roller coaster. It was a bit like “space mountain” in Disney but twice as fast and excited. I even took photos with the mummy!
第三天, 天氣晴.天氣真是好到不行!覺得好幸運喔!我們去環球影城,玩了好多不同的項目.最刺激的是神鬼傳奇,最快的室內雲霄飛車!有點像迪士尼的太空山,但是刺激度兩倍以上!我還跟木乃伊照相喔!

第四天, Shopping的好天氣.我們到名牌雲集的Outlet去血拼一番!在媽媽的鼓勵之下,我買了生平第一件名牌風衣.(痛啊…我的埃及之旅在轉眼間成為泡影.)二姊名牌血拼經驗豐富,快,狠,準.真令我佩服不已!下午抵達Palm Springs,棕櫚泉.好美的地方啊!真悠閒!

Day 4 A great day for shopping!! We went the designer outlet and shopped till we drop. I bought my first designer coat under my mom's encouragement, (Ah.. my funds to Egypt has just gone the moment I handed over my credit card.) while my elder sister is an experienced designer brand shopper, she got nearly everything she wanted in seconds. (Bravo, well-done! Becky!!)

Day 5 Got up early to see Palm Springs in full daylight. It was very beautiful!! We had REALLY BIG AMERICAN BREAKFAST in Ruby’s. It was really big as it claimed to be and we enjoyed it very much! Then off we went to Calico, a ghost town on the way to Las Vegas. My little nephew refused to get off the bus because of the name, GHOST! Haha.. It was an OKAY place, western style town. No one lived there now. They were government employees and just there to keep the tourists company. Early arrival in Las Vegas; checked into Monte Carlo, a casino hotel. All the other people went to night tour. My nephew and I had a relaxed bubble bath together then we went to M & M.

第五天, 起個大早欣賞陽光下的棕櫚泉,很美ㄌㄟ!在陽光下享用了豐盛又超大的美式早餐,讚!然後我們到卡利哥鬼鎮,外甥不想下車因為鎮名裡有”鬼”!哈哈..傍晚抵達蒙地卡羅,拉斯維加斯的賭場飯店之一.大家都去夜遊,我剛外甥一起洗泡泡浴,然後再去M & M博物館.

第六天, 起個大清早,這天準備去天空步道!抵達西峽谷,看見壯闊的天地.心情也開朗了起來.天空步道架在西峽谷裡,鷹眼(Eagle Point)的附近.玻璃步道沒有想像中的壯觀,但是真的走起來,還是有點心驚膽跳的.晚上,帶外甥到Mirage看火山噴發,年紀小小的他說,那是因為底下有很多工程師,一人顧一台瓦斯爐,時間到就把瓦斯打開,讓火山岩漿噴出來,還提供他個人的意見,說怎樣設計才會更壯觀!佩服佩服!

Day 6 Early start as well. We went to the SKY WALK, the latest development in Grand Canyon. It’s a glass bridge of a U shape near the Eagle Point. It wasn't as impressive as I'd imagined. However, if you walk fast and keep your head down to see the canyon, you'll feel it!! Late in the evening, I took my nephew to Mirage to see the Volcano. He said there're many engineers down in the mountain, turned gas on to erupt the Volcano, and he even gave his personal advice for a spectacular volcano eruption. How adorable!

Day 7 Easy morning, we took domestic flight to San Francisco. It was windy when we got there. We had lunch, visited some major scenic spots in town, had dinner, and then went to our hotel for a quiet night. We slept well and we’re all set to say farewell to the city the next day.

第七天, 悠閒地吃完早餐,搭飛機到舊金山.天氣有點差,風很大!我們在市區參觀了著名的景點,用完晚餐就回到旅館休息囉!大家都把行囊準備好,該打包的打包,該扔的扔.明天就要跟舊金山說拜拜囉!

第八天, 上飛機前,最後的市區觀光跟Shopping!! 吃完午餐,跟家人道別.巴士停在青年旅館綠烏龜前,真幸運!綠烏龜是個很親切的地方,員工也都很熱心,唯一的缺點是環境有點凌亂ㄋㄟ.晚上跟杜伯特見面,一起去Tapas Bar,還看見有兩個嫌犯在我們眼前被逮捕.太可怕啦!嫌犯的背包裡全都是電線還有膠布,萬一是自殺炸彈客,我豈不是白白送命了嗎?警察先生,要抓他就快一點,不要一直讓他坐在我前面!

Day 8 Last chance to shop and for sightseeing! After lunch, I parted with my family and the bus dropped me off across my hostel, Green Tortoise. It was a friendly place and the staff was very helpful. The only negative thing I could say about it was the messy environment. Other than that, it was fine. I met my friend Dupert in a Tapas Bar and witnessed 2 suspects been arrested by policemen. There were electrical devices and tapes inside the backpack. Oh.. my good lord, would you please just arrest them and take them away. What if they’re suicide bombers?!

Day 9 I was planning to go on Alcatraz cruise but I couldn't get the ticket to go. So I went to Sausalito instead. It was a picturesque place. Relaxing and beautiful! I idled away my time there. I got back to San Francisco in the afternoon and was out of time to que for the famous Cable car. So I went all the way up hill to Lombard street, the crookest street in SFO. Then I found my camera was dead and so did my digital phone. What the ****! In the evening I met up with my friends, Tina and Asad, the then happily engaged couple.

第九天, 原本要去惡魔島,但是沒想到票全賣光了!所以,我就到Sausalito去啦!是個安靜又悠閒的好地方,我把時間全消磨在那裡,回程到舊金山竟然沒時間去排隊搭纜車,於是步行到九曲花街,全是上坡的路,走得我累死啦..走到上面才發現像機跟手機都沒電啦,氣死我!晚上Tina跟Asad來接我.

第十天, 悠閒地吃完Asad做的早餐,他們開車帶我去Monterey 的Lobo Point健行,是個很美的地方,健行步道走起來也很輕鬆.一路上Asad似乎有意避開人群,我覺得有點怪,但是也不以為意.直到最後,才發現原來他想要藉帶我出遊的機會在那裡跟Tina求婚啦!真是浪漫ㄌㄟ.我被利用了....

Day 10 After having breakfast that Asad cooked for us, we went hiking in Lobo Point. It was an easy hiking path and I enjoyed the tranquil scenery. It seemed to me that Asad tried to avoid crowds all the time and I felt a bit weird but said nothing. It was when Asad got down on his knee and proposed to Tina then I realized that he plotted the whole hiking trip and I was happily used.

Day 11 Time to say goodbye to the happily engaged couple. I felt happy for Tina and her fiancé. Good good good! I checked-in my bag and got SSSS on my boarding pass again. It means Special Security Check. Sigh! I got it on my way from Las Vegas to SFO, and now from SFO to UK! When I walked passed the gate, the officer shouted Female Secondary. I was a bit nervous. What does that mean? It turned out to be a casual pat down. It's okay because I was experienced. Haha.. I had a serious pat down on my way from Amsterdam to London in 2005.

第十一天,道別了朋友,心裡真是爲Tina 跟Asad開心!真好ㄋㄟ!到櫃檯check-in之後,又看到登機證上印著SSSS,怎麼這麼幸運啦!從拉斯維加斯飛舊金山一次,從舊金山飛倫敦又一次,真是夠了!走過安檢們,聽到安檢人員說"女生,第二級."心裡緊張了一下,第二級是怎樣?原來只是被女警輕輕地拍一拍檢查一下啦!哈哈..不怕不怕,兩年前從阿姆斯特丹飛倫敦就有經驗了!那次是登機前抽檢.


Day 12 I am back in England. I still can't feel the warmth of British people. Comparing to Americans, British are really cold. Sigh.. I think I am done with the country. Time for either home or America!! Haha.. my mom's gonna get worried again!