Sunday, May 20, 2007

Old Habit and New Style?

Well.. it is very true that human beings are habitual animals. We usually do things in a certain way that we feel safe and familiar with. Ocassionally, we might feel like having some changes, but we seldom carry out the new ideas.

I have been thinking to have a new hair style for months but I still haven't got any ideas of what I should look or what style suits me best. One may argue, you can go to hair salons and consult the stylists. Ha.. yes, but how can you trust someone that you don't even know.

Very Bad... Very Bad indeed.

I am used to Long Hair so if anyone tells me to cut my hari short, I will surely feel really uncertain. But, the truth is, I want a bit change. So what to do ... and what not to do become very important to me.

I've been thinking to have a perm. Should I do my hair as Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and City? Here is where Old habit comes in, it tells me, "No, you are not a wild person, it doesn't suit you." My somewhat carzy new personality tells me "Why not! It changes your character. Just do it!"

Well.. in the end, I am still getting nowhere? Anyone wants to offer some advice?


At 6:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

爆炸頭不適合你啦 你又不是像傑西卡那種馬臉...
要變的話 就剪短吧 不規則層次的短髮那種 也很好看阿
你那麼浪漫的人 不適合走嘻哈風啦!

At 7:23 PM , Blogger Lonely Planet said...

I do agree with you. I like my hair style, I think big romantic curls suit me the best. It just my curls are it looks a bit messy now.

At 1:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many people seldom have well-known friends, that's why beauty salons exsit.



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