Sunday, May 23, 2004

Dancing Princess.

One of my friends has passed the exam to graduate school so we went out for dinner to celebrate. After dinner, my friend said, "I don't want to go home tonight!" Um... don't wanna go home. I smelled problem but also signal.

Among us, I am considered as "Clubbing expert" for none of them have ever been to any places called "bar" or anything related to it. So... though a bit uneasy, I took them to Carnegies.

Hey........When we got there, I seemed more relaxed than afraid. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to dance! Wow.....yeah....The music was so right. My friends looked nervous at first but they got used to the loud music, sexy women including me (hahahahaha) and men after a bottle of beer and a glass of champagne.

I was dancing and drinking with my friends. We saw some people dancing like crazy and I decided to dance like a Princess! Haha.. I bet you don't know what does that mean. Never mind, I will show it next time when we go there again.

I didn't go home till one in the morning. When I got home, my mom pulled a long face against me. But.... I considered that as a record breaking victory. Haha... why? Because after 5 minutes, she talked to me and asked me about my time at Carnegies. She seemed okay with it. I believe that with notice ahead, I shall be able to stay with you guys longer than before. I am no more Cinderella rushing home before 12 midnight! So... friends, let's party till one!! Haha..


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