Monday, December 24, 2007

一個人不等於Alone 也不該是寂しい(寂寞)。






最好玩的是,大概是我太熱情地對門房說"謝謝你!"害他以為我是外國人,幫我拍照時會先說,One Two Three,照完又說ㄟ..你這個怎麼沒有Flash? 呵呵...非常可愛!! 跟著又說,"你一個人,とても 寂しい(很寂寞)。我要走了又跟我說 "Welcome welcome."


喔...說了這麼多,我其實想說,我沒有大家想像的那麼悲慘.一個人真的只是代表一個人.It's just me. It doesn't mean I am lonely and miserable. 真的不代表我很孤單,也不意味著我很悲慘.不要再說我一個人很寂寞囉!因為,那是單身女子的專利,別人不能說啦!呼呼..哈哈!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fun Fair .. Charity Lah!

It's my first ever school Fun Fair as a homeroom teacher. It was tiring but interesting. The students were so excited about it and they put so much efforts into it. I am really proud that I've got students like them.

It was difficult to sell at the begining . So they were really discouraged and they felt quite down. So, as a teacher, I needed to be strong. Though I've got no experience, I tried my best to create DESIRE for my customers. It worked and I think the reason they bought our products was becasue it's funny to see a homeroom teacher selling and yelling so hard! Haha...

Well.. anyway, we did OKAY and we've done our best. Ya Ya Ya ...Oh, and I managed to take one photo with my little nephew. Isn't he lovely?!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Excuse me, have you ever ....

My students love to ask personal questions. They want to know more about me and I have no idea where they got information about my past. I think this would happen if you've grown up and taught in the same place for too long.

Another time to go? Haha... nah..not like that!

I'm not saying that I want to leave because I just got back from abroad. It's troublesome in class that my students were asking too many personal things. It hinders my schedule in class.

Sigh... it's good that my students are curious about me but I don't like gossips. I think, next time I am going to make them ask questions in English. By doing so, they might stop asking or they might actually learn more!! Brilliant!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Being Happy isn't all that difficult!!!

Well..... what does that mean?

I was quite down last week and I couldn't stop complaining and feeling misserable for myself.

Last Tuesday after work, on my way home I decided to "Be Happy". And that's what I did so far. There is nothing can stop me now! I want to be HAPPY! I want my own Happiness.

So since last Tuesday, I've been happy. Even a student asked me "Genie, how come you're so happy every day?" Haha....

Happiness is simple. It depends on your heart. What's more, we can decide WHEN to invite it to our life and HOW to be Happy!!

It's really esay... Just decide When do we want to be happy!!