Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fun Fair .. Charity Lah!

It's my first ever school Fun Fair as a homeroom teacher. It was tiring but interesting. The students were so excited about it and they put so much efforts into it. I am really proud that I've got students like them.

It was difficult to sell at the begining . So they were really discouraged and they felt quite down. So, as a teacher, I needed to be strong. Though I've got no experience, I tried my best to create DESIRE for my customers. It worked and I think the reason they bought our products was becasue it's funny to see a homeroom teacher selling and yelling so hard! Haha...

Well.. anyway, we did OKAY and we've done our best. Ya Ya Ya ...Oh, and I managed to take one photo with my little nephew. Isn't he lovely?!


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