Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sharing my wisdom in life, if any..

I have been busy this week. Well...I am always busy at school but this week I am busier than last week. Why? You asked and wondering the reason for it.

The headmistress invited me to share my life experiences abroad with the whole school. So I need to give speech every morning in front of different students and teachers in the morning session.

It was quite embarrassing becasue there are many teachers who are much more experienced and qualified than I. They should give a speech and share with us, not me! Not the tiny little unimportant me!

However, since the headmistress wanted me to, so I have to. After my speech, some teachers came to me and said emotionally "What a wonderful speech! Well done!". One of them even told me, "You are inspiring! Two of the students were so touched, they were very unhappy about their live before the speech. But your story encouraged them!"

Now I am so happy that my sharing did have some impact on one or two students. I think this is enough. I consider it a big achievement. However, there are also teachers told me that I upset them because of my speech.

At the end of my speech, I asked questions with no answers, such as "Chosse your Job or Dream?" , "Make money or Spend money?", "Foolishness or Bravery?" It's all about the choices in life. I made my choice and I have no regret so far, while some people chose "Reality" rather than "Fulfilling the dreams". Different choices and different lives. There is no right or wrong.

It's all about life. I am no master or expert, I am just a little tiny me who wants live my life to the most.

If they are upset becasue of what I have done, that's because they have regrets in their minds which nobody can ever touch.


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