Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I finally got some Blu Tack to do some decorations on my wall. Haha.. When I get back to Taiwan, I am going to have my won place and put all my postcards from the places I've travelled to on the wall. Ya!! Ya..
Meanwhile, I am still doing my 3 part time work but will go for an interview tomorrow. Wish me Luck!!

Friday, February 16, 2007



祝大家 新年快樂 身體健康!!


其實還ok. 因為這裡沒有年節的氣氛,心理上雖然知道過年了,但是沒有看到一大堆春聯跟年節的東西,感覺就沒那麼感傷了!! 呵呵..

今年是豬年, 祝大家...耶...都變成豬!! 吃飽飽..等睡覺..幸福的ㄌㄟ..

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I won Lotto here!! Can you believe that?

Thursday afternoon, the Cafe bar was quiet. Terry and I decided to pick 6 numbers each and exchanged them. So, Friday afternoon, I went to teh shop and bought 2 Lotto tickets for this Saturday. One was for my own number and the other of course was the number gave me.

Anyway, I didn't check the winning numbers on Saturday because I didn't think by any chance I'd win something. I checked it today. Guess what? I've won it. I got 3 numbers correct while Terry's had no match at all. Lucky for my first ever Lotto here. Hahah.. Just tto think that I've never won even 200 NT in Taipei, this made me excited for a while!Haha..

For those who might be curious, my numbers are 03 15 26 30 38 41 and the winning numbers are 22 26 38 39 41 42 and the bonus number is 8. Anyone wants to try your luck?


星期六,我沒有對獎.因為,我想大概不會中吧!! 今天閒來沒事,上網來對獎!! 沒想到...居然中了耶!!在台灣連兩百塊都沒中過,哈哈...大概是老天爺看我在英國貢獻了那麼多學費,決定補貼我一點! 哈哈..

喔...泰瑞選的號碼,一個也沒中!! 真是..害我多浪費一鎊!!

我的號碼是 03 15 26 30 38 41 ! 中獎號是 22 26 38 39 41 42 特別號 8 有人想試試手氣的嗎?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Babel ...火線交錯..

I just came home from a movie. I couldn't decide which movie to watch so I asked my friend to draw a lot. So we ended up watching Babel which is nominated for 7 awards in Oscar and some other awards as well.


So we watched it and after that I felt speechless. After a speechless moment, I had something to say about Babel, "Great attempt but fails to impress and somehow it's STUPID."

看完電影之後,我覺得....無話可說!! 無話可說之後,對這部片,我想說的是 "理想遠大,不過,無法令人動容.而且..有點笨!"

It's a great attempt to show that evey little thing is linked to one another. However, we knew that already without watching the film. So.. what is the point of making this film. It has BIG CAST but so what??

這部片有遠大的抱負想要呈現出世上每一件事都是息息相關的,但是,我們不用看電影也早就知道啦!!所以,到底爲什麼要拍這部片呢? 卡司大..但是又怎樣呢?

I knew some people might think I am too shalow to understand but the truth is "Don't try to act as a great thinker when there is really nothing vital to think about!!"


Oh.. one thing made me feel funny is that when the American Cops appeared on screen and spoke those "nonesense bit". I felt so annoyed by their accent. I really wanted to hit them on the head. Gosh.. I am contaminated by British. Ah....help!!

喔..有件好笑的事.當我聽到影片中的美國警察開口說話時,我好想一巴掌從他們的頭打下去!那腔調真讓我受不了.呵呵...我被英國人污染了!!! 救命阿....

Monday, February 05, 2007

Most recent...最近的...

I don't know what title should I give to this post for I want to talk about many things that are surely not related to each other. Haha..

First of all, I'd lke to talk about my Webcam experience with my Dad and Mum. It was just enough for us to say a few words. Really a few, thanks to my BAD FREE Connection. But anyway, I saw my Mum and Dad first time fater leaving home last August. My Mum was in a blanket so I knew it's bloody freezing in Taipei. And second, my dad managed to type "I am happy to see that you lost some weights" which I believe it's my Mum's saying. Haha.. Then we were cut off. So I went on calling home and my sister. That was really great. I enjoyed it though I could only see them about 30 seconds.

Then I'd like to say something about those celebrities taking drugs. I knew I shouldn't say this because I belong to the GENERAL PUBLIC who do not have a clue of how stressful it is to earn millions, go to parties, waer handsome & beautiful clothing, be taken care by assistants and be loved by me, the general public.


Taking drugs is a tempetation like being offered money aside from your earnings. I am no saint, so I can't say I'll never make mistakes. However, it is really down to CHOICE, isn't it? When we know we shouldn't do something, why do people still do it? Are we so naive to think that we'll never get caught and give in to the tempetation?


If those celebrities want some soft drugs, they can just come to UK where it's TOTALLY OKAY if you have some grass, canabis, joints, and marijuna for your personal use. Or you can go to Palau where you can use them or Amesterdam. Well... I know I am a bit of nonesense now. But hey.. I mean, never take/ do what we shouldn't because there is a risk that people are going to judge us by that. We don't want to be a lousy junkie or a cheap, do we? Think of this, and we'll be stronger when facing ill tempetations.


Now I'd like to confirm that it is almost impossible for me to have a career here as I've planned. A friend works in a big company here said "Even a foreign accent hurts your chance." My British colleague in the tea room said "We are not racists, but companies do throw away applications of Foreign surnames. That's what happened." (This statement is doible confirmed by another British neighbour living next door to my friends.)

跟著,要承認我在這裡大概不會有事業了,跟我當初計畫的不太一樣!在大公司工作的美國朋友說"講話有腔都會影響到你的機會."在Tea Room 的同事說"我們不是種族歧視,但是外國人的應徵履歷都被擺到一邊去." (住朋友隔壁的英國鄰居也這樣說ㄌㄟ.)

Still.. I'm surviving and I'm trying however feel defeated and disencouraged.
