Monday, November 27, 2006

Jacket Potato and Apple.

It makes quite a nice picture, doesn't it?

I have nothing good to share at the moment. I guess the best thing I can tell you is that I am not going to kill myslef at the mean time. Hahaha..Kidding, don't get too worried! I am too chicken to kill myslef. I don't even have courage to think about it. Heheh..Don't argue, it does need courage!!

最近沒有好消息可以跟大家分享.最好的消息應該是我最近不會殺死我自己.哈哈..不用太擔心阿!我不是一個有那種決心的人! 這種事情需要太多勇氣了,我做不到! 這種是真的需要勇氣跟決心的!!

It's very true that weater and literature have strong impact on people. I've been reading Virgina Woolf's stuff. Guess it wouldn't help me to stay cheerful and in high spirits. However, reading and writing are two things that make people stay alive. I think if it wouldn't for writing, Virginia wouldn't have lived till the day she decided not to write anymore.


How about me? I don't know. Maybe I will stay alive until the day I decided not to travel anymore. Haha.. Don't not woryy, please. I didn't plan to kill myslef in the near future. Only the freezing gale is killing me.

我呢?不知道耶. 或許會一直活到我決定不再旅行的那一天吧!! 哈哈..不用煩惱,我最近真的沒有殺死自己的計畫!!只有刺骨的寒風...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Fight! Fight! Fight!!!

Every time I encounter a difficulty or a not-so-pleasant matter in my days overseas, such as my electronic device suddenly stops working or my laptop goes mad, I’d say to whatever up there “Why pick on me? Please… I am only a little woman who’s seeking for the purposes and goals of her life. Please give me a break. Be nice to me!”

And most of the time, either my electronic device decided to come back for its work after a few days strike or I'd find a magic way to fix it myself. But this time, this is not the case. I am no more Miss Fixit. It rains on me these few weeks.

I broke my favorite and ONLY pair of flip-flop when I slipped on the steps and hurt my butt. My electronic dictionary stopped working ages ago, my wonderful antique omega watch hasn’t been working since the day I started my course, the pay-as-you –go sim card works badly in my place, the weak Internet connection near my place stopped again and the worst of all I am JOBLESS and I can’t stop thinking after a few months, I am going to be HOMELESS.

The weather is dreadful today. It’s SUPER WINDY and it rains. But I am not going to take all these shitty business. I need to be STRONG!! Hope for the BEST! I have to believe that the one up there is preparing something good for me. Are you?! Are you not?!

My best pal has got the job he wanted and I think he will do brilliantly at his new position!! I'm so happy and so excited for him! Linny!! Go Go Go!!

Fight Fight Fight!!! Fight Fight Fight!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Keep hoping for the best! 往好處想!

I was very depressed last week and over the weekend. Why? It's all because of my placement hunting. I've been doing it for the last 2 weeks or so. I applied about 18 job vacancies. All through my working life, I've never applied for more than 6 jobs. Having said this, I knew how lucky I was when back home. I could get jobs I was interested in just like a flick on the finger.

最近很沮喪,因為我一直找不到實習的工作機會. 這兩個星期以來,遞交了18份履歷,比我在台灣工作五年,遞的履歷表還多.同時我也才了解,在台灣的時候,我有多幸運.想要的工作幾乎都是手到擒來,5年以來,遞的履歷不超過六份.我想,我真的挺幸運的!

But now what!? It seemed that I am not even good enough for a receptionist. I got only 3 "Thank you but no" replies. And for the rest, I guess they just can't be bothered to reply to me.

現在呢?在人家的土地上,連當接待員都嫌不夠格. 我只收到三封"謝謝再連絡"的e-mail,而其他的呢?我想他們連甩都不甩吧.

It's not easy to get a replacement when I have to compete with all the native speakers here. My tutor doesn't think I have a problem in this regard, but somehow my English just won't be as good as those who were born here and grew up here.

在這裡真的很困難. 要跟所有的英國人競爭,雖然我的老師認為,對我來說一點問題也沒有. 但再怎麼說,我的英文總不會比在這裡土生土長的人好. 我想,在這裡,我並沒有語言優勢.

It's depressing and I get worried as the days pass like blowing winds. My friend Liny called me for moral support and I was and am very thankful that I have a friend like him. What can you ask for a friend but a truely concern.

挺難過的.日子一天天過去,我就更擔心. 朋友Liny打電話來關心我,支持我.我很開心也忘卻了煩惱.真高興有這樣的好朋友. 有這樣的關心,夫復何求?

The weather isn't good but today is a good day because I got first positive response from a recruitment company. A lady sent me an e-mail saying there's a vacancy she'd like to discuss with me. We are going to talk through it tomorrow and hopefully it's gonna be the one I'm interested. But for the time being, I'll just keep hoping for the best and keep my options open.

今天是很棒的一天.因為終於有了第一份正面的回應. 這裡的人力資源公司要跟我談一個工作機會,明天我們就會一起討論! 有點緊張但是我很開心!! 我不會這麼快下定論但希望是一份我喜歡的工作.

I wish there will be more positive responses from tomorrow. Today is a good day and let it be a start of a POSITIVE FUTURE.

就從今天開始,所有的一切都將是正面且積極!! 加油... FIGHT!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lewes Bonfire Night.

There I was with my classmates and new friends!! As always, I am in the Latino group. I can’t figure out why I love Latinos. They are loud, full of energy, warm, and beautiful and I love them!!

Lewes is very famous for its Bonfire processions. Thousands of people visit Lewes on 4 November every year. I have heard of and seen it on travel channel before but this year I was there!! Freezing cold that night, but warm in heart.

We went on train and arrived by 8 in the evening. We then saw the processions, the fire works, big big Bonfire, loads of people, bobbies, and Guy Fawkses, the paper statues that made to be burnt in the Bonfire. I saw the Pope, Bin Laden, Bush and Rice. The town was burning and it was great fun till the train delayed and we missed the last train back home.

It was cold and it’s freezing after midnight. The temperature dropped dramatically after 12. I was shivering and my hands were literally frozen. I was a bit upset for we might have to stay up in the train station till next morning and they were all speaking Spanish. But my friend Leo spotted my mood and said, “hey Genie, don’t worry. We’ll be fine. We sleep together and as long as we are together, it’s fine.”

So, my friend was right. We were together, nothing bad would happen and they wouldn’t let me die in cold. We were waiting in a little station at 1 in the morning when a mysterious train pulled into the station. It was for Worthing, a town 30 minutes away from ours.

So we went on and met this fabulous guy, David. He asked us where were we going and knew there wasn’t a train to. He then offered his place for us to sleep. What a generous man! I told him there were 10 of us but he didn’t mind at all. It’s the first time that I met such a WARM British person. It was incredible for him to offer a place to stay. We’re thankful but we decided to ask the price for cab first. David helped us to contact the cab agent. It wasn’t too bad for 10 of us to share the price. So we went home on a mini bus and a cab which cost 80 pounds. Finally I got home by 2:30 in the morning.

Before leaving the Worthing, David gave me his number and we’d invite him to our Spanish gathering in the following week when he returns from his holiday. Oh, what have I said, OUR Spanish gathering. Haha.. my Latino friends are turning me into one of them. OUR… I did say Our… My…But por que no?! Nos vemos mañana, mis amigos!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What a pair!! Don' try to take a photo like this in public or in private if you are not as tiny and as cute as they are. Haha...


In Brussels, they greet you with the world famous peeing couple. So, what can you expect from this city?!! Actually, I didn't enjoy it partly might be the bad weather and partly because it's really only a modern city with a square of an old charm. To sum up, it's not as romantic as I've imagined.



A little twon outside of Amesterdam where my lousy guide did not know what it is called and what are there. Luckily, I am a bit of a exploer!


A brief introduction to how a chees is made. The lasy in charge was tough, be ware "Don't you dare to talk!"
Hey.. excuse me, I am explaining to you. Be quiet and listen up!!


Sex, Drug and ... is there a normal option? Gosh... why didn't I notice? Must be rare!! Haha..

Luxembourg is a busy city with a sense of tranqulity. It's built on the mountain top with a 23-km underground tunnels - the so-called casemates - and more than 40.000 m2 of bombproof rooms were hewn in the rocky foundations of the city.


This is the Grund of Luxembourg. You can take elevator down here from the top of the city. Just press the magic button, -4, it will take you down to this beautiful and even much quieter Grud.

盧森堡的谷底區 Grund


Amesterdam by night. Me and my TOGEJI friends were in the second floor of the Bar. It was the time we bumped into some Brits on holiday. It you could imagine, very enjoyable and HOT! You won't see British people get HOT and WARM in normal days. I guess this is why they all need to go to Amesterdam and RELAX. Haha..
Photos taken with them can't be shown as some may find it rather Stupid and I can't explain why we did it.....

How long does it take for 5 strangers to be familiar with each other and feeling totally comfortable to sleep together in the same room??

Less than seconds!! These are so called TOGEJI friends!

