Wednesday, October 27, 2004

A night at Jr. Cafe.

It was nice to neet people after work and have a bit chat. What?? You call almost 5 hours a little chat....... guys must have been really talktive. Hahaaha

It was a gathering between my old friends and a new friend. Chatting isn't a tough job for us because we were all full of spooky stories to tell. The dinner topics floated from work to school days and then finally got to the spooky parts when each of us was telling stories like bumping into "spiritual creature".

Some of the stories were about hotels in Thai, Taiwan and some schools in Taipei. Woo.......... really scary. Then it was time to go for people all need to work early in the morning especially me. Hahah...poor me.

Hanging out with friends is alwayas good and it's even better that old and new friends can really chat together so that everyone ended up with a new friend. So so so so super nice!!

Wish you meet some more new friends as well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

To be happy!

When you truely believe in something, will it come true? Well.....this is a question open for debating. But as I'm trying to make myself happier, I'm convinced it will.

I wrote something when I was confused. I uploaded it here and then I deleted it for I don't want my frineds to worry about me over the same problem again and again. I knew it's time to grow up.

I try not to think of the person or the things that confused me. I try to look at the bright side of my life. I try to enjoy every moment of my time. I'm busy and tired but I'm also making myself a happier single woman in my late twenties.

For two nights, I had dreams, he was in my dreams. I knew I wasn't ready to let go. I knew it's painful to let go. But if I don't do it, I will be trapped agian and again. So I decided to lead every day as the last day of my life. Since it's the last day, there are so many other important things I haven't tried and finished. Why can't I be happy and smile through the last seceond.

I cherish every moment with my friends, family and people around. As for him, I'll take him as part of my family. After all, we've thought of getting married though it didn't work out. But at least, we did sincerely hope to share our lives together.

Be happy. Be happy. I am trying to be happy though tired!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Feeling tired.

Have you ever felt so tired that it seems no matter how many hours you've slept, it's still not enough. Feeling tired..........I'm feeling so tired..........I don't even want to open my eyes. I hope I could just die.

Die without reason.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Trying to be honest and rational.

It's never easy to be honest to yourself and also friends. As time went by, it has been some 7 years with my ex. We were and are always in complicated situation. It's both of us, none of us can be strong enough to really stick with the idea of not seeing each other anymore.

Always me saying "We should stop seeing each other.", and it's always him saying "Why do you have to be like this? Is this necessary? Is this really better?" So...... we end up holding each other tight and crying sometimes.Then it's always me accepting his invitation for dinner or other plans.

Like now I'm trying to be honest with myself as I tried last night to my freinds. I knew rationally I shouldn't have anything to do with my ex anymore. But deeply in my heart, the emotional part, there's something we both can't deny.

We still have feelings of each other. But we just can't make it right. He's full of uncertainty and will never take me only as his best freiend. He always wants some more. Something more than a friend. Like we are now.

Following the feelings, I will get hurt. Forcing myself to be rational is the way. The way I should have chosen and put into practice. Me, 27 year-old, charming and successful in a way.

Me, getting serious thoughts of my life. Trying to undersatnd myself and feelings inside. My ex, 30 year-old. Full of uncertainty.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Carrie and Big.

Carrie and Big.

It's carrie and Big.

It is indeed Carrie and Big.

Is there a happy ending for Carrie and Big?

What do they need to do for a Happy Ending?

What do I need to sacrifice for a Happy Ending?

What can I still afford to give after all these years?

It's Carrie and Big. Big and Carrie. Carrie and Big. Big and Carrie.