Friday, April 30, 2004

Walk the dog??

This Tuesday, a new man walked into my life. His name is MIGOO, my sister's beagle. As some of my friends may know that I am afraid of almost everything no matter live or dead. But this little man just walked into my peaceful life and demanded me to walk him everyday.

Here comes the problem! I am afraid of animals so how can I walk him? This Thursday was the first time for me and MIGOO. Before took him out, I asked my dad if MIGOO had done his "business" in the morning. My dad said yes.

So, I took him out for a walk. On the way, he was normal and nice. Just as I said to myself, " Hey.. you made it! It wasn't as difficult as you thought." Then guess what? He stopped and started to make "Pooh-Pooh" on the street. My Goodness! I was so embarrassed and what made the situation worse was that I had nothing with me to clean up the mess.

What would you do if you were me? (A)Walk away (B) Go home and come back with cleaning tools. (C) Ask people for some newspaper. What should I do? I chose C! And that was my very first time to pick up "pooh-pooh". Yuck... they were soft and warm.

Wanna know more?? Get a dog!!!


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