Tuesday, April 13, 2004

A gift, to be a gift, has to be accepted. Otherwise it lies like a burden between people.

This is another idea I got from a book, The knight in a rusty armour. At first, I was a bit shocked to read this. Because no one would be unhappy to receive a gift from others. But after a few moment, I started feeling so down inside. I could still remember my first boyfriend said to me, "Don't you think you are too nice to me." That's how we broke up.

Maybe there were still other reasons, but at that moment I couldn't understand it at all. Why? What's wrong to treat the one you loved like the most important person in the world? What's wrong to do everything for him as a proof of love?

But now I know I was so wrong. My love was indeed a gift to him but what if he felt pressure from my love? That's where a gift becomes a burden. What I though was good for him might not be what he had wanted. That's when a gift becomes a burden.

I guess, we all need to learn from experience. No matter how hard it will be.


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