Friday, April 23, 2004

Work hard and keep hoping. Maybe this is what we need for life.

Have you heard of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who died in 1945. Her diary has been translated into 60 different languages. I read her diary once. I was so surprised how could she keep hopes during that difficult time. How could she be optimistic while she was hiding with her family in a small place, sharing a room with her father's friend who she didn't even like.

I watched a film about Anne Frank tonight. It was filmed in Holland where Anne was born and lived till she was transported to the concentration camp. I cried when Anne and her family members were sent to the camp and cried over the whole thing. The movie reminded me of my first journey to Germany.

When I was in Munich, I visited a concentration camp out of curiosity. I can't remember the name of the place. What bothers me was the camp in the movie looked exactly the same as the one I visited outside Munich.

When I was there, I had really bad feeling and I think I didn't take any photos there. That was just too much pain to think of how those innocent Jewish people were treated there. The camp had nothing but walls, cells, big shower room that was actually used as a gas chamber to kill people.

I couldn't understand why Hitler hated Jewish and even now I still don't get it. Some say that was because Hitler was half Jewish while others say that was jealousy for Jewish people were rich and made much more money than any other people during that time.

Tonight, I am still trying to think of a reason why Hitler hated Jewish. Some people discriminate others simply because the color of their skin or because they are from so called lower class in the society. But why? Why Hitler hated them?

Another thing made me feel so sad was Anne's father, Otto Frank. The family was caught and sent to different camps. After the war, Otto Frank was freed in 1945 and he lived the rest of his life till 91 alone. His two girls died in a camp in Poland due to illness and his wife was dead because of starving. She wanted to save all the bread and food she's got for her husband and children even though they were apart. Otto Frank was the only one in the family left after the war. He said to Anne "Work hard and keep hoping". Maybe this is what we all need for life.


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