A story of a lonely planet.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Carrie and Big!
It's an old episode. I knew I shouldn't have watched it but still I did. The things happened between Carrie and Big always makes me think of myself and J. The episode was about Big's leaving New York to California.
Carrie didn't know it until one night she happened to call Big because she felt loely and met Big at his apartment. Carrie was speechless when she learned that Big was going away soon. She hated it and felt very sad but still they shared a dance and a pizza. Carrie said before leaving Big's apartment, "we should meet before you go, you owe it to us and by us, it means you and me."
Carrie was thinking should she make love with Big before he goes? Miranda is as cool as usual, she said "No" within half second. Samantha is for it and as for Charlotte, she said "I've alwyas thought you two will be together at the end." Now... this makes Carrie a bit sentimental and sad as I could see from her face. Carrie was upset because the most important man of her life was moving away for good. I felt so down as I watched it.
Of course, all of us knew that Big and Carrie got back together at the end. But somehow in my heart, I just felt so empty.
There's a Big in my life. He moved away a coule of months ago. When he told me, my heart sank like Titanic and just like Carrie. Even now I can still feel the pain but I'm a lot different now. I know changes are positive but I just couldn't stop wondering where did the love go?
Changes are positive and I'm moving away soon...
Saturday, September 17, 2005

Dream... Dream...
Do you dare to dream? Dare to do what you've dreamed for?
Is it somehow at one point we'd compromise to reality or we just simply be more of a grown-up? I've been thinking... thinking of what I've dreamed for and thinking of what I've acomplished.
1. Studying abroad: Done Beautifully!
2. Oveaseas vacation once a year: Done Nicely!
3. Teaching at school: Doing Goodish! Haha..
4. Being an opera singer: shattered >_<
5. Being with the man I loved: Had been sweet but Done poorly eh?!
6. Studying Japanese in Japan: Thinking ...
7. Going for working holiday in New Zealand: Thinking...
8. Traveling around the world: Thinking ..
9. Applying for an overseas volunteering work: Thinking..
10. Getting myself a man: Trying...
11.Getting the above things I'm thinking done by 30: Thinking really hard..
Do I have courage to dream? Do I have money to dream? Do I mean them seriously?
Yes! I've got plenty of courages to dream. Money.... is big issue.
Seriously I think, Carefully I plan, Happily I go.
Friends, have you any dreams?