Sunday, December 05, 2004

How bad can your day be??

How bad can your day be?

I'm not well. Mentally and physically.

This weekend is the worst one I've had this year. Hopefully I'll never have another one again. Saturday morning, I had a bad dream. It was about me being raped by a cab driver. Bad.... Bad.... really bad.

I woke up and prepared for school. It was down pouring. So I decided to take a cab. I got to my class on time and found my mobile wasn't in my bag. I thought I might leave it home. So I phoned home. Bad thing was, my sister said it wasn't home. Then I started feeling panic and anxious. I phoned my mobile, my sister phoned, my friends phoned. Okay.............. no sound one answered. I knew, my mobile was gone. Gone to someone's pocket or bag.

I was so mad about myself. How could I be so careless. Actually I didn't even know where I lost it. I woke up, packed for school, hopped in cab, went into classroom......then... My mobile disappeared. It must had been slipped from my bag while I took out my walet to pay for cab fare. was about 10 thousand and something gone. I only bought it 4 months ago. It was new. But now it becomes someone's new phone.

My sister gave me a hair pin to comfort my loss. When I was on my way to studio. It slipped from my hair and went into the gutter.

Was this enough for my weekend? No....... Sunday, I went to my course as usual though feeling upset still. I bought a cup of coffee and found a big ant in it. Upset again so I decided to return it to the shop and asked for a new one. While I was walking and nearly got there. The ant was gone. So I ended up throwing it to rubbish bin.

My bad weekend. Anyone wants to share any bad luck from me? I wondered!

Stressed out! Worn out. Me.


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