Thursday, November 25, 2004

Golden Bell Award

Dear friends,

I didn't win. I am perfectly fine. Please don't feel sorry for me and don't try to come up with something nice to say to me. I am perfectly fine though a bit disappointed. As an amateur in broadcasting industry. I was glad and really excited to be nominated for 2 awards. But if I could win, I would be in heaven now. hahahaha

I am happy that the ceromony was done on Tuesday night and I am thankful for those who attended the ceromony with me. It was indeed a great experience not to mention the most interesting part, "The Red Carpet!". It was a great experience to dress up and walk along the red carpet on my own with the crowds (not shouting but watching) and a bunch of camaramen yelling "here, look at here, here, over here"!! Hahahah... It was great fun. I wondered how many of mine have they taken? But now I am wondering where have all my photos gone? To rubbish bin, I would say. hahaah

Now my life is back to normal, not really. IMy cover was taken away. Because every single student in my class knew I am a show host. They will write on the board saying "Tonight, listen to Genie's show on time." Then the next day, they will tease me for what I said on air. Well...well....I guess this is something one has to pay as a kind of "celebrity".

So....... I've got experience from that night. Next year, I will be more prepared both mentally and physically. Hahaha... Try to lose some more fat and try not to be over-excited. Before than, I wil sort out a time to have a small gathering and whoever wants to come for a chat or a pep talk is more than welcomed.

I will try to upload a brillian photo taken that night for you, my dear friends.



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