Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Bridget Jones II.

Should everyone have a second chance??? As a 27 year-old woman, I can't remember how many second chance I had given to my ex. And I still ended up with a broken heart. So..... in this case, shall we give people like Daniel a second chance?
Hahahha....you'd better not!! I'm telling you...no KIDDING.

Well...after I finished watching the movie, there's one thing popped into my head. Will I be like Bridget when I get to her age. The answer is "Physically, concerning the fat part, I might be!"

Will I get two handsome men, one rigid and the other playful, to fight for me? Nah... the possibility is way to small. Even though I consider myself a not bad looking, probably quite lovely, (hahahah) I still don't see the possibility. Sad..ehe?

Luckily, I have friends though they can not always be with me to share the good and bad moments. But it's better than none. Last weekend, I went out with two of my best friends. We went out of Taipei by train. Though I was sick yet we had a great time. I'd upload some photos up here to share with you later.

Um...... Bridget Jones! Why and How can she get two men at almost same time?? Hey...my sister said it's because she's great in ....you know what she meant if you had seen the movie.


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